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Compaq not working, go figure..HELP!!
I have a buddy with a compaq 5012 U.S. and he recently purhased a polaroid 40x burner (cheapo). He had another 8x burner with a regular cd-rom previously installed in the computer, but the CD-ROM didn't read all kinds of CD's. So, he took out the CD-ROM and installed the new CD-Burner with the old CD-Burner acting as the CDROM (as the source of CD Copy). Here is the problem: After the installation all he gets is an amber monitor and he thinks that the hard drive is spinning. He does not get any type of beep codes for the POST. In the beginning he installed the new CD-Burner as the master. Then he tried it the other way (Old CD burner as master and new CD burner as slave). Then he tried just unplugging both drives and seeing if he would at least get the to bootup, but to no luck. He currently has onboard video (not a gamer), but does have an AGP slot on the board. Would he get at least a beep code if his onboard video was shot to heck? I suggest that he goes out and gets either a PCI or AGP video card test that to see if his onboard video somehow got shot, and then if it is he can either use the AGP Video or take it back with the receipt. Any help or suggestions would be great! Thanks!
Compaq not working, go figure..HELP!!
I have a buddy with a compaq 5012 U.S. and he recently purhased a polaroid 40x burner (cheapo). He had another 8x burner with a regular cd-rom previously installed in the computer, but the CD-ROM didn't read all kinds of CD's. So, he took out the CD-ROM and installed the new CD-Burner with the old CD-Burner acting as the CDROM (as the source of CD Copy). Here is the problem: After the installation all he gets is an amber monitor and he thinks that the hard drive is spinning. He does not get any type of beep codes for the POST. In the beginning he installed the new CD-Burner as the master. Then he tried it the other way (Old CD burner as master and new CD burner as slave). Then he tried just unplugging both drives and seeing if he would at least get the to bootup, but to no luck. He currently has onboard video (not a gamer), but does have an AGP slot on the board. Would he get at least a beep code if his onboard video was shot to heck? I suggest that he goes out and gets either a PCI or AGP video card test that to see if his onboard video somehow got shot, and then if it is he can either use the AGP Video or take it back with the receipt. Any help or suggestions would be great! Thanks!