Company Christmas Party....FTW?

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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2005
Got back from the company party a little while ago, pretty good time overall. Food was okay, but really enjoyed sitting down and chatting with people outside of work, and meeting the spouses that I hadn't already. Great live music too at this place, it was a cover band that did mostly 80s stuff (which I enjoy).

To top it off, our president chose tonight to present people with awards for hard work throughout the year. I'm in the support group, mostly work with large companies on their software integrations with us, but I spend time on weekends being on call and handling low-level email support too when I'm bored. For that they got me a company iPhone. They bought it, own the contract, pay the bill (minus overages or apps I buy). Pretty nice, up until he said "Now you can keep up the good work at home, or in the car, or while you're with your family in a restaurant having dinner", and was only half joking.

Stupid thing is I have 2 years left on a contract on my personal phone, which is $70 a month, and I barely use it as is. Expensive paperweight? Anybody in Canada want to buy me out? :D


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2005
Nobody gets too drunk at these. The company buys dinner, plus we get drink "tickets", each of which is good for one beer or wine beverage. After that you're on your own. I had a beer before going, had another there, then stuck to Coke. I don't think anybody had more than three beers tops.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2005
Willpower is overrated anyway. :\


I will say it went way better than last year. This year we had it in a pub called the Bard and Bankers, here in Victoria. Kind of a classy place, live entertainment, all the waitresses wear tartan skirts (guys too unfortunately).

Last year was a place called Knockin' Back's, which I'd classify more as a full bar. Entertainment was musical bingo, run by a 60 year old woman with smokers cough and the mouth of a sailor. Example, "Anybody who can't get that last f--kin song get the f--k out you s--theads." Food was actually better, but we ended up leaving early and wishing we hadn't gone.

Plus last year the woman who organized it got plastered and puked in the bathroom. We joked with her for months afterwards, this year her dad is in town for his 90th birthday so she couldn't go, bummer.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Did you get one of these?



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Liquor and bosses et al is never a good idea.

We have a cold 12 pack in the lunchroom in case someone wants one after 5:00. I think others have bottles of booze in their offices anyway. We still have people who smoke in their offices.

We are roasting a pig for our Christmas party and there will be alcohol available. You don't want to make a fool out of yourself, not because of the boss but because of some of the guests from the local legal community.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2009

I will say it went way better than last year. This year we had it in a pub called the Bard and Bankers, here in Victoria. Kind of a classy place, live entertainment, all the waitresses wear tartan skirts (guys too unfortunately).

Last year was a place called Knockin' Back's, which I'd classify more as a full bar. Entertainment was musical bingo, run by a 60 year old woman with smokers cough and the mouth of a sailor. Example, "Anybody who can't get that last f--kin song get the f--k out you s--theads." Food was actually better, but we ended up leaving early and wishing we hadn't gone.

Plus last year the woman who organized it got plastered and puked in the bathroom. We joked with her for months afterwards, this year her dad is in town for his 90th birthday so she couldn't go, bummer.
Yeah the chicks at B&B is pretty nice. I would love to take one or two home.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I don't like company x-mas parties. I usually avoid them like the plague.

I just got notified that I'm expected to attend this year's x-mas luncheon.

IME, people get pretty stupid at x-mas parties and either forget where they are, or forget that for the most part, normal company rules still apply.


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
I don't like company x-mas parties. I usually avoid them like the plague.

I just got notified that I'm expected to attend this year's x-mas luncheon.

IME, people get pretty stupid at x-mas parties and either forget where they are, or forget that for the most part, normal company rules still apply.

Yep. Somehow the mixing of career integrity and alcohol impaired decision making seems like a bad idea to me.


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2004
I'm going to mine tonight. I missed last year's so this will be my first time attending one of these. Dinner is prime rib. mmmmmm

We also only get two free drink tickets and it's cash bar after that. I wonder if any of my co-workers will get smashed and put on a show? :)


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2005
Our company is fairly laid back. The boss sometimes picks up a case of beer late on Fridays if we've been working hard on a project. Now and then he'll take the department out for lunch, little things like that.

That being said I don't think I work with any truly stupid people, we all know not to get hammered at a company dinner.

iGas: You local too? It was my first time there, I'd have to say I'd probably go back, the band was pretty decent, they played some Journey too :)
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