Comic Books

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Golden Member
Apr 18, 2006
Years ago my brother and I were into comic books. It's been over 10 years since I've even read one. For some odd reason I have this urge to go and pick up some comic books just to see what's out there. Any recommendations? I'm really open to any superhero or story but I plan on at least picking up an Iron Man comic.


Nov 13, 2003
DC's big thing right now is Blackest Night. It centers on the Green Lantern Corp and zombies. My buddy's kid is really into and loves telling me spoilers because I was so aghast at the incredibly ballesy move they pulled off early on.

Currently, I'm a Mark Millar fan even though he is a huge douche of a person. Wanted and KickAss were both really great and don't be thrown by Wanted's shitty movie version because they only thing they share in common is the title. Wanted the comic is like a Villian version of The Watchmen. Red Son is a great Superman elsewhere and I highly recommend it.
Millar is currently writting a new book called Nemesis which is pretty good. It is only on the third issue or so (but of course it already has a movie deal).
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