Comcast sucks thread. Yet again.

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Sep 26, 2000
So I am moving in two days and made an appointment last week for Comcast to move my service to my new address.
Today the digital voice goes out.
I call 10 times and every time I press the option for trouble on the Digital Voice it goes to a ah-oogha type sound, like the line is broken.
Finally I call the trouble line for the tv. I get transferred three times.
Finally someone says they turned off the phone early.
I get transferred to the office who will fix it. Only they transfer me to a call center acrosss the country. Who say they will transfer me to the right number.
And then they put me back into the same local queue I was in originally.
Finally I get to Jose. Who tells me Comcast always immediately turns off your service whenever you make an appointment to move. So I ask for a supervisor and Oscar says yes, that's true.

After six more attempts, trying all the different departments I get someone who says it is indeed a mistake. But it will take 24 hours to get the phone turned back on. And since that is the night before I am moving anyway I decline because they aren't sure if it will interfere with turning the phone back on at my new location.
I wonder what would have happened if I didn't also have a Fairpoint phone line in my apartment for my business? Imagine how difficult the move would be.

Total phone time 2.5 hours.

Comcast is Comcrap.


Nov 4, 2004
I dislike Comcast, but that stuff happens with most telco's. It's BS. Next time, cancel and resign up with a better offer! What is dislike most, is how it makes you into an asshole by the end of it...
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