College Rant...


Sep 12, 2012

PS--> Cursing Galore. NSFW.

Alex Becker goes on a rant here. If you don't know Alex he's a multimillionaire internet marketer. He's worth about $15m, so you can't deny that he's successful. Yea, he might seem scammy especially with his Shopify ads, and the "Make $1k a week as a broke 15 year old." He's a marketer and IMO he does a good job at that.

Back to the video. I agree with Alex. Kids today are brainwashed into believing that you must go to college to be successful. College is a business period. Their objective is to recruit young people into attending their school. I'm not against education. I have a BA, and was going for my Masters before I decided to take some time off. The debt was a big issue for me. There are kids today who are wasting 4 years of their life that they'll never get back. They are going to college because their parents want them to attend. There are many students who don't even attend class. IMO, many don't belong in school. College tuition has dramatically increased by 4X. We have students who are defaulting on their loans. They'll never pay back the money they borrowed. They'd be better off in trade or as an entrapanure. When I taught in South Korea and Thailand I met quite a few graduates who were unemployed and had large amounts of debt. Not good. We have 1.3T in debt and rising.

IMO, society will be taking the brunt. Our taxes will be increasing to cover the loans that are going to be defaulted on. Let's be honest. Many of theese loans will never be paid back. Whose going to cover these loans? We will.


Dec 11, 2006
We truly need to push trade schools, hell we need to have trade schools available in the first place, to the students who are more fit for it. A shitload of people attended college and when you combine the lost wages, debt and interest they would have been far better off financially learning a trade that they enjoy.


Jun 19, 2004
Maybe if Alex Becker had gone to college, he'd have learned to communicate better. That said, he isn't far off. It isn't just parents pushing college it's the entire educational system as well as contemporaries. Our entire national culture is based on going to college, making big bucks and, retiring early so, you can begin living. That's the American dream. Sadly, for most it's unattainable and even for those who do succeed, most are working in a job they hate or tolerate at best so, they can start doing things they enjoy at 45 or 50. Say wut? Of course all those years of working in high stress jobs for people you despise couldn't possibly have an effect on your perspective or life values could it?
Nov 8, 2012

PS--> Cursing Galore. NSFW.

Alex Becker goes on a rant here. If you don't know Alex he's a multimillionaire internet marketer. He's worth about $15m, so you can't deny that he's successful. Yea, he might seem scammy especially with his Shopify ads, and the "Make $1k a week as a broke 15 year old." He's a marketer and IMO he does a good job at that.

Back to the video. I agree with Alex. Kids today are brainwashed into believing that you must go to college to be successful. College is a business period. Their objective is to recruit young people into attending their school. I'm not against education. I have a BA, and was going for my Masters before I decided to take some time off. The debt was a big issue for me. There are kids today who are wasting 4 years of their life that they'll never get back. They are going to college because their parents want them to attend. There are many students who don't even attend class. IMO, many don't belong in school. College tuition has dramatically increased by 4X. We have students who are defaulting on their loans. They'll never pay back the money they borrowed. They'd be better off in trade or as an entrapanure. When I taught in South Korea and Thailand I met quite a few graduates who were unemployed and had large amounts of debt. Not good. We have 1.3T in debt and rising.

IMO, society will be taking the brunt. Our taxes will be increasing to cover the loans that are going to be defaulted on. Let's be honest. Many of theese loans will never be paid back. Whose going to cover these loans? We will.

Part of the blame gets assigned to parents. They have drank the koolaid that their kid is MEANT for college. "Oh no - not my Billy, he was MEANT to go to college and be ultra successful". Then the dumb fucks get a degree in gender studies, women's studies, philosophy, psychology, <insert worthless degree> and then wonder why they aren't successful in the real world.

If you're too stupid to understand the working world needs SKILLS that actually GENERATE MONEY then you're just too stupid to be on this earth for fuck sake. Even Joe the plumber isn't that stupid, and he's ultimately waaaaaaaaaay more well off then stupid barista Billy will be.

You don't need a business degree to understand the simple concept of supply and demand. There is a limited supply of reputable Universities - In-yet everyone thinks their special kid is meant for it. We keep reproducing more kids every year - thus we are over bloated with stupid kids that were told they were meant for college. What did you expect with tuition rates?
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Nov 8, 2012
We truly need to push trade schools, hell we need to have trade schools available in the first place, to the students who are more fit for it. A shitload of people attended college and when you combine the lost wages, debt and interest they would have been far better off financially learning a trade that they enjoy.

When I have to pay a plumber $300 to fix a simple leak - often times less than 30 minutes to do so - yeah, we need more trade skill folks. To say the least, it doesn't pay shitty.
Nov 8, 2012
Maybe if Alex Becker had gone to college, he'd have learned to communicate better. That said, he isn't far off. It isn't just parents pushing college it's the entire educational system as well as contemporaries. Our entire national culture is based on going to college, making big bucks and, retiring early so, you can begin living. That's the American dream. Sadly, for most it's unattainable and even for those who do succeed, most are working in a job they hate or tolerate at best so, they can start doing things they enjoy at 45 or 50. Say wut? Of course all those years of working in high stress jobs for people you despise couldn't possibly have an effect on your perspective or life values could it?

The american dream is still there - but like I said, if you're stupid enough to believe that a degree windmill (for profit college) with a degree in <insert worthless degree> is meant to make money, then you're just a fool. Fools will be parted with their money. It doesn't matter if it's a con-artist on the street or a supposed "college", anyone will take your money if you're stupid enough to hand it to them. The American dream is still there, the difference is that there are mirage images that stupid people fall for along the way. Need I mention Trump University?

And that's the problem isn't it? If you come out of an in-state school with a business degree or a reputable STEM degree, you won't have much of an issue finding middle-class employment with a track-record for upper-middle class. I guarantee it


Sep 12, 2012
Part of the blame gets assigned to parents. They have drank the koolaid that their kid is MEANT for college. "Oh no - not my Billy, he was MEANT to go to college and be ultra successful". Then the dumb fucks get a degree in gender studies, women's studies, philosophy, psychology, <insert worthless degree> and then wonder why they aren't successful in the real world.

If you're too stupid to understand the working world needs SKILLS that actually GENERATE MONEY then you're just too stupid to be on this earth for fuck sake. Even Joe the plumber isn't that stupid, and he's ultimately waaaaaaaaaay more well off then stupid barista Billy will be.


I've known people who don't even go to their classes. College is a huge haze of partying and screwing off. Drinking and doing drugs. I don't even know why they're in school. Well I do know. Many delay going into the workforce because work ain't exciting and it's hard when you're young.

The huge difference I noticed between college in Asia and in America is just how intense education is in that part of the world. Yea, drinking was a part of attending college, just like it is in America. But, the work load is unrelenting. It all starts in grade school. IMO, many of the young people attending college in Asia are better equipped for the 21st century than our young people It's going to be interesting to see where this takes us in the future.
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No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Look into going to a Foreign college/University. You're just trying to justify not getting an Education.


Dec 11, 2006
When I have to pay a plumber $300 to fix a simple leak - often times less than 30 minutes to do so - yeah, we need more trade skill folks. To say the least, it doesn't pay shitty.

Not only does it pay more than a lot of the bullshit degrees you can get these days but instead of racking up a shitton of debt learning it you actually get paid for most of the years you'd be paying said shitton to go to college.


Jun 19, 2004
The american dream is still there - but like I said, if you're stupid enough to believe that a degree windmill (for profit college) with a degree in <insert worthless degree> is meant to make money, then you're just a fool. Fools will be parted with their money. It doesn't matter if it's a con-artist on the street or a supposed "college", anyone will take your money if you're stupid enough to hand it to them. The American dream is still there, the difference is that there are mirage images that stupid people fall for along the way. Need I mention Trump University?

And that's the problem isn't it? If you come out of an in-state school with a business degree or a reputable STEM degree, you won't have much of an issue finding middle-class employment with a track-record for upper-middle class. I guarantee it
Please make my check payable to cash.


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
It isn't just parents pushing college it's the entire educational system as well as contemporaries. Our entire national culture is based on going to college, making big bucks and, retiring early so, you can begin living.

Agreed - Modern Family just did their fourth+ episode about what an absolute crisis it would be if one of the kids didn't go to college. Such a terrible thing! But don't worry - it all worked out and Luke decided that it would be best if he went to college. Whew! Close one! Its a theme thats repeated over and over again on TV. Politicians push it. Jobs push it.

The huge difference I noticed between college in Asia and in America is just how intense education is in that part of the world.

Your intensity here is going to vary heavily by school and by the program at that school. The US college system coveres the complete spectrum from easy degree factories to near crushing intensity programs


Feb 15, 2006
The far bigger issue is the number of degrees that people pay tens of thousands of dollars for that are not STEM based. The number of youtube videos of people with 4 year degrees based on feelings that bitch about not making 100K a year makes me chuckle. For some reason, they are shocked that womens studies degrees are worthless.

College is fine if you want to become and an engineer, nurse, doctor, whatever. But the rest of the stuff is really about making a profit. But shame on those parents for not checking their kids on what they were doing for 4 years. If your not getting a degree that is going to provide a service you should not even bother.


I've known people who don't even go to their classes. College is a huge haze of partying and screwing off. Drinking and doing drugs. I don't even know why they're in school. Well I do know. Many delay going into the workforce because work ain't exciting and it's hard when you're young.

The huge difference I noticed between college in Asia and in America is just how intense education is in that part of the world. Yea, drinking was a part of attending college, just like it is in America. But, the work load is unrelenting. It all starts in grade school. IMO, many of the young people attending college in Asia are better equipped for the 21st century than our young people It's going to be interesting to see where this takes us in the future.

I will tell that as a mechanical engineering student, my college was far from a huge haze of partying. I had to bust my hump while all of my friends went out and partied.


Sep 2, 2006
I will tell that as a mechanical engineering student, my college was far from a huge haze of partying. I had to bust my hump while all of my friends went out and partied.

yah, at one point my studying + project + TA work was taking 60 hours a week, in addition to the class attendance time.


Feb 14, 2002

I've known people who don't even go to their classes. College is a huge haze of partying and screwing off. Drinking and doing drugs. I don't even know why they're in school. Well I do know. Many delay going into the workforce because work ain't exciting and it's hard when you're young.

The huge difference I noticed between college in Asia and in America is just how intense education is in that part of the world. Yea, drinking was a part of attending college, just like it is in America. But, the work load is unrelenting. It all starts in grade school. IMO, many of the young people attending college in Asia are better equipped for the 21st century than our young people It's going to be interesting to see where this takes us in the future.

Just because you taught at some second rate private hagwon in Korea for two years doesn't mean you know much about their education or culture. Yes, Korea education is intense and brutal pre-k through high school. But colleges are a joke. It's well known among Koreans that kids breeze through college once they get in. Getting in is the hard part and super competitive. But once you're in, you're pretty much guaranteed to graduate as long as you can afford it. But even graduating from college doesn't mean you'll get any kind of job. Job prospects for college graduates in Korea are not good.

It's opposite in the US. Pre-k through high school is a joke. But US colleges are little more competitive and some of the programs are intense with high dropout rate. Yes, kids can go to easy college and choose easy major and cruise through college. But that's true pretty much anywhere.

Job prospects for US college graduates are so much better than college graduates in Korea. Many college graduates in Korea struggle to find decent jobs after they graduate. So they continue to leech off their parents and live at home. Many work part time and can't afford apartments so their parents will often buy them apartments and many of the large expensive purchases. Poor job prospect is one of the reason why Korea has such large number of small businesses. Many people will borrow and start small businesses because they can't find decent job. But Korea bankruptcy laws aren't generous as the US. You can't just declare bankruptcy and have the debt written off like in the US. Likewise, you can't just stop paying creditors and have negatives drop off on your credit after 7 years and start fresh like in the US. In Korea, you must repay all your debt and you will go to jail if you can't repay your debt. They have debtors prison in South Korea. Yet, you have so many young and old people willing to risk everything to start small businesses because the alternative is underemployment or no employment. I won't even get into age discrimination for older workers at large companies and forced retirements or the crazy number of hours workers have to put in. That's another topic.
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Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
^ I've read that Japan is similar - brutal through college entrance exams, then less intense than the US.

Why do foreign students flock to US colleges, and not the reverse? Mostly because of the education and opportunities.


Jun 5, 2000
We truly need to push trade schools

There is a serious shortage of CDL drivers. I have thought about it, there is a CDL school up the road from me about 10 miles. $3,500 for a 3 week course to learn how to drive a 18wheeler. bust your chops a couple of years and you can pull in 1500 a week. its not a job for everybody especially if your kids are small. I saw a add for a line driver for Dominoes pizza which had a 8k sign on bonus.


Jun 23, 2005
The inherently driven and intelligent people succeed in whatever path they take.
This is why the extremely driven and passionate people like Tesla died penniless while folks like Paris Hilton are millionaires.


Jun 3, 2011
imho, most college degrees still carry considerable weight. the problem arises from the fact that most industries have evolved to use - and cater for - morons, and most employers don't actually "need" a college graduate, nor have any use for it.

your typical first day at the office as a baby faced brand new college graduate is "hello mr director, my name is Sam, here is a short paper of the 73 critical issues i have spotted in your company before my lunch break, that can be demonstrated are negatively affecting the business, let's start implementing them" and the next six months are spent learning that virtually everyone around you is an idiot and they do not even understand how their own business works, much less have any chance of improving it.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
There is a serious shortage of CDL drivers. I have thought about it, there is a CDL school up the road from me about 10 miles. $3,500 for a 3 week course to learn how to drive a 18wheeler. bust your chops a couple of years and you can pull in 1500 a week. its not a job for everybody especially if your kids are small. I saw a add for a line driver for Dominoes pizza which had a 8k sign on bonus.

For another few years, until the self-driving rigs replace you.