ColdPlay - A Rush of Blood to the Head ... Freakin awesome!


Jun 7, 2002
The previous release was great...I played that CD constantly. Luckily, I was able to get my hands on a few of the new songs from this upcoming album. Let me just say that I hope all of songs are this good. It's been awhile since an album has come out where I have enjoyed every song. And hopefully this band sticks around awhile longer to put out some more great music....


Jun 7, 2002
You should check out their EP "The Blue Room" - good stuff.

Picked that up a few months back ;) ...They even sound perfect live...
Don't Panic was another I bought and also the Shiver single...


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2000
I've only listened to one tune (In My Place) ... I liked it, but I still think that the stuff from Parachutes is better.



Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2000
probably my most eagerly-anticipated album this year. From what I've heard, this album is more haunting than the first. As soon as 192kbit mp3s hit the net I'll be downloading them. Don't worry, of course I will still buy the album... I just won't resist the opportunity to listen in early. :)



Oct 9, 1999
big bump.

Yeah they all sound great. I really like "Warning Sign" and "Clocks" and "Daylight" right now.


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2000
Listening to The Scientist right now. I'm really thinking about buying the CD ... but I still think that Parachutes was cleaner, more natural, and less over-produced. But really nice tunes noneoftheless.



Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
Originally posted by: luv2chill
probably my most eagerly-anticipated album this year. From what I've heard, this album is more haunting than the first. As soon as 192kbit mp3s hit the net I'll be downloading them. Don't worry, of course I will still buy the album... I just won't resist the opportunity to listen in early. :)


Its called WinMX and its also called Album Wrap and its ALSO called full album 192kbit :D

EDIT: NEVER FREAKING MIND..... DAMN THESE OLD THREADS THAT GET REBUMPED. I was like wait a minute, what is he talking about the album already came out.... DAMN YOU ALL!!!!

umm yeah.. the album rocks


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2000
Originally posted by: neomits
Originally posted by: luv2chill
probably my most eagerly-anticipated album this year. From what I've heard, this album is more haunting than the first. As soon as 192kbit mp3s hit the net I'll be downloading them. Don't worry, of course I will still buy the album... I just won't resist the opportunity to listen in early. :)


Its called WinMX and its also called Album Wrap and its ALSO called full album 192kbit :D

EDIT: NEVER FREAKING MIND..... DAMN THESE OLD THREADS THAT GET REBUMPED. I was like wait a minute, what is he talking about the album already came out.... DAMN YOU ALL!!!!

umm yeah.. the album rocks
Bahahaha... I know what you mean about old threads. Throws you for a loop sometimes.

And yes I did dl the mp3s about a month ago (gotta love usenet), but now I've made my own (EAC/LAME --alt preset standard) because I bought the CD last week. :) I did relish the opportunity to hear the album a month early, however ;)

Not saying all of my collection is legit, but I do support artists that put out consistently outstanding stuff--Coldplay is one of them.



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2001
heard the cd over the weekend at virgin. liked 'the scientist', 'clocks', and either 'whisper' or 'warning sign'.
3 out of 10 songs is not too hot.

the first 3 are heavy, cry-baby tunes that nearly put me to sleep standing there in the store. extremely boring.
i can't say the 3 quality songs redeem the entire cd.

i don't think its worth a buy.


Senior member
May 1, 2001
If you like their CDs, you have to go see them in concert! Ahhhhhhhhhhh. They were so great. I saw them at SDSU Open Air Theatre last night and my appreciation for them has increased ten fold!!! They sound absolutely amazing live!!!! Finally, here's a band that plays real music and has a lead singer who can REALLY sing. Since their music is pretty mellow, I was expecting a laid back concert. I was even afraid of getting bored. Instead, this is the best concert I?ve been to all year! Hard to imagine but they were rocking out on practically every song. Even though it was a seated theatre, they had everyone up on their feet, moving, and singing along. I'm not sure if they have this effect at very venue. Perhaps San Diegans are just really, really cool. :)

These British chaps have quite a sense of humor as well. They were totally playing to the crowd. In the middle of one their ballads, the lead singer starts busting out a Nelly song on the piano ( It?s getting hot in here. So take off all your clothes. I am getting so hot. I?m gonna take my clothes off.) I nearly died laughing.

It was definitely a feel good show and sets the mood. This would be an excellent concert to take your significant other to. Every single couple probably got real frisky after they got home, if you catch my drift.

I was even a true COLDPLAY fan before last night. I thought their songs were cool and that's about it. I never really played their music that much. I considered it music to fall asleep to. But now I'm a changed person after seeing them live. I love them!!!

The only negative was that their opening act wasn't very good. I'm sure all the guys from ASH are very nice but their performance was subpar at best. Luckily, Coldplay more than made up for it. Hope they stay around forever.

If you want to try something freaky, play their first album on repeat while reading George Orwell's 1984. The song lyrics hauntingly go very well with that book.