COLD!!! Amazon Repriced Dazzle All In One Reader to $49.99


Jan 13, 2000
Whats going on? Now Amazon has joined the club of companies with misleading advertisments. Complain to FTC and others.

Got email from Amazon:

We have new information about your order and need to hear from you before proceeding.

We are sorry, but it has come to our attention that
the price of the following item has increased:

"Dazzle Multimedia DM-8400 Dazzle 6-in-1 Reader"
$49.99 $17.99

We apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment this change in price may cause. We hope you will understand that, with several million items listed on our web site, it is unfortunate but inevitable that some items will occasionally be mispriced.

As stated in our pricing policy, which is posted online on our Help department, if we discover a mispricing we will contact you to obtain your approval of the new price before proceeding with the order.

Please follow the link below to your personalized price approval page on our web site. From here, you will have the opportunity to approve the new price or to cancel the item from your order.


The truth is they mentioned the $19.99 as 'list' and '$17.99 'our' price. Reminds me of 'bait and switch'!


Sorry, this is not a Hot Deal. Please post this in the Moderator sponsored ~~~~ Brag & Moan ~~~~ thread.

Thank you,

AnandTech Moderator