COH multiplayer


Apr 8, 2001
This weekend I went back to COH and finished the last couple of british missions to complete the SP campaign. After that I did a couple skirmishes to brush up on those engagements and go over the US doctrines. I then tried to play some multiplayer matches with mixed results. The listing tab shows a couple thousand players in match and even more looking, but the actual in game lobby system seems rather sparse in comparision. I also thought the US had an easier time in comparison, but I was rather hard pressed to win in most of my 1-1 matches and 2-2 came out to how skilled my coplayer was (had one that took defence on 2 of the 3 intersections between the map, put nothing on defense on one of them other than a MG team. Not a surprise when a couple stugs then rolled through wiping him out).

In general I had a hard time keep up tech wise with the germans. By the time I had 1 AC car out and started on a 57mm, they had several HTs and about to chug out a tank. One was real bad (1-1 train wreck map) that had the oil resource off balance in german favor which resulted in a crushing defeat (I'm having trouble just getting the damn greyhound while he's got a complete line of 20mm batteries across the map 3 capping me.

Outside of trying to search through the main COH forum to pick up the couple usefull strategy notes, is there a site with a good set of prepared strategy articles?

Anyone around here do much multiplayer?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2006
The best thing to do is watch your own or someone else's replays and see what you could do better. I usually play as Germans and my usual strategy is to tech quickly to Tier 3 to get Stugs/Pumas/Nebels. That way, unless the enemy has 57mms or AT emplacements, I can basically wipe the map. You need to be prepared for what the enemy is going to have, not what he has right now. Greyhounds suck for the most part, unless your enemy is waiting to tech straight to tier 4 and just has volksgrenadiers/MGs.
Jun 8, 2008
How is the mulitplayer for COH? I'm looking at buying but want to make sure I have as much fun that I had on warcraft iii


Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: ConstipatedVigilante
The best thing to do is watch your own or someone else's replays and see what you could do better. I usually play as Germans and my usual strategy is to tech quickly to Tier 3 to get Stugs/Pumas/Nebels. That way, unless the enemy has 57mms or AT emplacements, I can basically wipe the map. You need to be prepared for what the enemy is going to have, not what he has right now. Greyhounds suck for the most part, unless your enemy is waiting to tech straight to tier 4 and just has volksgrenadiers/MGs.

The problem I face is that the standard german has halftracks up pretty quick, and building a motor pool for greyhound/57mm is the only thing I can counter that with. And if I wait to save even more oil to build a tank depot, I'm pretty much getting raped by those halftracks. US just seems sooooo oil dependent.


Apr 8, 2001
Ok, I'm about ready to give up on this game. There is never more than 30 matches waiting to be formed in the lobby and most are either a lot of players or way over my skill level. Result is very few 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 at low skill levels so if I don't get pretty good players on my side I learn nothing during play other than how to get steam rolled.


Apr 8, 2001
That site has much better info than the main forums. Think I'm going to switch to Wehr as it seems to work better for me.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Don't give up man, it's really tough to get started. I used to get stomped, took a couple months off, then came back with a fresh perspective and started winning 80% of the time.



Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
I hate the Ranked MP on the game. It's a bunch of hyper children rapidly firing off macro's after macro's racing each other for that special piece of real estate. Oh, whats this? You lost? Aw there goes another loss to the permenent record. So now everyone knows you suck, and your not the greatest player in the world, aw. That takes all of the fun out of MP RTS games. The non-ranked with friends is cool, though.


Feb 8, 2004
Play automatch, the lobby is full of people who will happily skew the teams and trash newbies to the game because its fun, but automatch will actually try to match you up against a player of equal skill.

If all else fails coerce a friend to buy the game and play with the friend, its a blast.


Apr 8, 2001
Doing 7-5 as Wehr (not bad considering at least 3 of the loses mainly due to teamates dropping after game start).

The only thing I really have trouble with now are those nice british. When one really entrenches I can't manage to destory them faster than he builds new ones. So far this hasn't lost me a game as it keeps me and him in a spiraling death stuggle with the result of the game depending on the other players.

The lobby and automatch do kinda suck though. When eliminating the X pingers or real low perf (exactly what the hell is that a function of anywa) I'm left at choosing between less than 20 matches or about 7 opposing players in auto.