Cisco Loopback question


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2005
We have what we believe to be a bad wic in one of our routers. I made a loopback tool (T1 pins 1-4, 2-5), and with the plug in no loopback set everything works great. If I press the loopback button on the wic, the lines go down. Am I doing something wrong?


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2005
That is the page I was looking at to get my info but

From website:
Router#show interface serial 0
Serial0 is up, line protocol is up (looped)
Hardware is HD64570
Internet address is, subnet mask is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
Encapsulation HDLC, loopback set, keepalive set (10 sec)

Mine with loopback set:
Serial0/1/0 is down, line protocol is down
Hardware is GT96K with integrated T1 CSU/DSU
Internet address is x.x.x.x
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec,
reliability 252/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation HDLC, loopback set, Keepalive set (10 sec)

Mine without loopback set:
Serial0/1/0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is GT96K with integrated T1 CSU/DSU
Description: This is the point-to-point T-1 to Walnut
Internet address is x.x.x.x
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec,
reliability 253/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation HDLC, loopback not set, Keepalive set (10 sec)

From what I saw on that link, it is my understanding I need to press the loopback button on the wic to put in loopback to do loopback testing on the equipment. I am guessing that I am missing something, but not sure what it is.

BTW, I was hoping you'd be on this one spidey!



No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Well there's different kinds of loopbacks. Are you looping toward the router, or are you looping toward the T1 line?

What kinds of problems are you having to suspect the CSU?

If you use a hard loopback plug and run some exteneded pings then you don't have a problem with the router or the CSU/DSU.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2005
Basically we have been having issues with connectivity. We have a dedicated T1 between the site and us, and after extensive testing with the telco, they have determined it is our equipment that is faulty. I am just coming in on this and have not been working with the telco at this point. Based on what they said I decided to do a loopback. I have done this before and was able to determine that the wic was faulty, but that was a while ago.

Hopefully my rambling makes sense


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Most times problems with a T1 are clocking or framing related.

Put the hard loop plug on it and run some tests. If good then it is probably a configuration error. Verify what your framing, linecode and clock are supposed to be (get this from telco)

show controller S0/0 will tell you this information and give you more detailed CSU stats. Also "show service-module" has good info.

If you see slips, that's clocking.

Just saying 95/100 times a problem with a T1 is configuration/provisioning.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2005
I'll explain the problem we were having and maybe you will have some ideas:

Basically, at the remote site the users primarily use email and an AS400 session. Randomly people were losing connection to either the email server or the AS400. Very random one day user a would continuosly drop as400 sessions, in the afternoon the AS400 would be great, but the email would no longer work. And it would change people, and somedays everything would be fine. Long story short, called the telco, they checked everything out, found problems with their equipment and the line, did the necessaary replacements, 2 days later same issue. No were are on our 3rd go round and they are saying it is us.

Based on what you are saying, I should check the clock rates on both modules? Both routers are 1841's with wics. Sorry if I am coming off stupid, but I am just learning this stuff (CCNA test on DEC 11th!!). Your help is greatly appreciated on this!!


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
sure sounds like it could be a provisioning/configuration problem. Or possibly they changed something during the troubleshooting/ happens.

But the hard loop test will tell you if it's the CSU. Could also be the cable between the smartjack and CSU.

The reason it is so random is a "dirty" or misconfigured T1 can work decently well until there is a load on it, then it gets flaky and more errored. Use the commands I posted to see what is going on.

The telco will generally only test to the smart jack. You can ask them to loop your CSU and run their BERT/stress tests to see if they get errors.


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2006
I wonder if the clock source is the problem with your test. If you have the interface set for "clock source line" to get your synch from the telco then it seems like the int might not come up unless you reset it to "clock source internal" when using your loopback plug.

Just taking a stab... kinda hard to troubleshoot without having the thing on my desk ;)


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2005
Ok, so it sounds like it may have been a clocking issue.

The command to set it properly seems to be:

service-module t1 clock source line

Since this is the default, will it not show in sh run if it is set this way? I set it that way and it is not showing up in the config.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
That's the default. But it all depends on your provider. If they are giving you clock, then both sides should be "soure line". If they are not then one CSU should use internal clocking and the other use line.

All depends on how the T1 is provisioned. I'd strongly suggest giving them a call and ask what your linecode, framing and clock should be.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2005
they did say it should be clock source line, so I changed that line in the config, but now it is not showing, should it? I am just wondering if that is the default, shouldn't it still show it in the config?


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
defaults don't show in the config.

Have you tried the commands I've given you? That will tell you everything you need to know about your CSU including error information. show service-module t1

If the T1 is provisioned to provide you clock and you had it set to "internal" then you are definately going to have a very flaky T1.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2005
I am working on the phone with them now, but here is the response to show controllers:

Interface Serial0/1/0
Hardware is GT96K with Integrated FT1 CSU/DSU module
TX and RX clocks detected.
idb at 0x630E2D60, driver data structure at 0x630EA494
wic_info 0x630EAAA8
Physical Port 1, SCC Num 1
MPSC Registers:
MMCR_L=0x000304C0, MMCR_H=0x00000000, MPCR=0x00000000
CHR1=0x00FE007E, CHR2=0x00000000, CHR3=0x000005F4, CHR4=0x00000000
CHR5=0x00000000, CHR6=0x00000000, CHR7=0x00000000, CHR8=0x00000000
CHR9=0x00000000, CHR10=0x00003008
SDMA Registers:
SDC=0x00002201, SDCM=0x00000080, SGC=0x0000C000
CRDP=0x074BD0A0, CTDP=0x074BD150, FTDB=0x074BD150
Main Routing Register=0x0003FFC7 BRG Conf Register=0x00480000
Rx Clk Routing Register=0x76543280 Tx Clk Routing Register=0x76543290
GPP Registers:
Conf=0x3000002 , Io=0x6000250 , Data=0x5A7FFD8F, Level=0x18000000
Conf0=0x3000002 , Io0=0x6000250 , Data0=0x3A7FFD8F, Level0=0x18000000
1518921 input aborts on receiving flag sequence
0 throttles, 0 enables
553204 overruns
0 transmitter underruns
0 transmitter CTS losts
67442034 rxintr, 82373315 txintr, 0 rxerr, 0 txerr
133403413 mpsc_rx, 0 mpsc_rxerr, 9362 mpsc_rlsc, 1069750 mpsc_rhnt, 132404032 mpsc_rfsc
740 mpsc_rcsc, 0 mpsc_rovr, 0 mpsc_rcdl, 0 mpsc_rckg, 0 mpsc_bper
0 mpsc_txerr, 31819951 mpsc_teidl, 0 mpsc_tudr, 0 mpsc_tctsl, 0 mpsc_tckg
0 sdma_rx_sf, 0 sdma_rx_mfl, 553204 sdma_rx_or, 1518921 sdma_rx_abr, 944674 sdma_rx_no
0 sdma_rx_de, 0 sdma_rx_cdl, 2039595 sdma_rx_ce, 0 sdma_tx_rl, 0 sdma_tx_ur, 0 sdma_tx_ctsl
0 sdma_rx_reserr, 0 sdma_tx_reserr
0 rx_bogus_pkts, rx_bogus_flag FALSE
0 sdma_tx_ur_processed

tx_limited = 1(2), errata19 count1 - 0, count2 - 0
Receive Ring
rxr head (7)(0x074BCF50), rxr tail (0)(0x074BCEE0)
rmd(74BCEE0): nbd 74BCEF0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C4620
rmd(74BCEF0): nbd 74BCF00 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C4620
rmd(74BCF00): nbd 74BCF10 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74BF9A0
rmd(74BCF10): nbd 74BCF20 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C1980
rmd(74BCF20): nbd 74BCF30 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74CA5C0
rmd(74BCF30): nbd 74BCF40 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74CA5C0
rmd(74BCF40): nbd 74BCF50 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C9F60
rmd(74BCF50): nbd 74BCF60 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C52E0
rmd(74BCF60): nbd 74BCF70 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74BECE0
rmd(74BCF70): nbd 74BCF80 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C2640
rmd(74BCF80): nbd 74BCF90 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C0660
rmd(74BCF90): nbd 74BCFA0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C0CC0
rmd(74BCFA0): nbd 74BCFB0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74BF340
rmd(74BCFB0): nbd 74BCFC0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C0000
rmd(74BCFC0): nbd 74BCFD0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74CAC20
rmd(74BCFD0): nbd 74BCFE0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74BE020
rmd(74BCFE0): nbd 74BCFF0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C1FE0
rmd(74BCFF0): nbd 74BD000 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C2CA0
rmd(74BD000): nbd 74BD010 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C2CA0
rmd(74BD010): nbd 74BD020 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C7F80
rmd(74BD020): nbd 74BD030 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C72C0
rmd(74BD030): nbd 74BD040 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74BE680
rmd(74BD040): nbd 74BD050 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C92A0
rmd(74BD050): nbd 74BD060 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C3300
rmd(74BD060): nbd 74BD070 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C5FA0
rmd(74BD070): nbd 74BD080 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C3960
rmd(74BD080): nbd 74BD090 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C5940
rmd(74BD090): nbd 74BD0A0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C7920
rmd(74BD0A0): nbd 74BD0B0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74BD9C0
rmd(74BD0B0): nbd 74BD0C0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C8C40
rmd(74BD0C0): nbd 74BD0D0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C4C80
rmd(74BD0D0): nbd 74BCEE0 cmd_sts 80800000 buf_sz 06000000 buf_ptr 74C6600
Transmit Ring
txr head (16)(0x074BD220), txr tail (16)(0x074BD220)
tmd(74BD120): nbd 74BD130 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DB2AA
tmd(74BD130): nbd 74BD140 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 73459AA
tmd(74BD140): nbd 74BD150 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E8FAA
tmd(74BD150): nbd 74BD160 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72ED72A
tmd(74BD160): nbd 74BD170 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734C1AA
tmd(74BD170): nbd 74BD180 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DED2A
tmd(74BD180): nbd 74BD190 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734872A
tmd(74BD190): nbd 74BD1A0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E0DAA
tmd(74BD1A0): nbd 74BD1B0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7351CAA
tmd(74BD1B0): nbd 74BD1C0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734DBAA
tmd(74BD1C0): nbd 74BD1D0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EF12A
tmd(74BD1D0): nbd 74BD1E0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E2E2A
tmd(74BD1E0): nbd 74BD1F0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 73536AA
tmd(74BD1F0): nbd 74BD200 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E82AA
tmd(74BD200): nbd 74BD210 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DD32A
tmd(74BD210): nbd 74BD220 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 73591AA
tmd(74BD220): nbd 74BD230 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E072A
tmd(74BD230): nbd 74BD240 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E6F2A
tmd(74BD240): nbd 74BD250 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E142A
tmd(74BD250): nbd 74BD260 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E75AA
tmd(74BD260): nbd 74BD270 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7346D2A
tmd(74BD270): nbd 74BD280 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F2BAA
tmd(74BD280): nbd 74BD290 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E68AA
tmd(74BD290): nbd 74BD2A0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F1EAA
tmd(74BD2A0): nbd 74BD2B0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734E8AA
tmd(74BD2B0): nbd 74BD2C0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7343FAA
tmd(74BD2C0): nbd 74BD2D0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EC3AA
tmd(74BD2D0): nbd 74BD2E0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735982A
tmd(74BD2E0): nbd 74BD2F0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E7C2A
tmd(74BD2F0): nbd 74BD300 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F252A
tmd(74BD300): nbd 74BD310 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735B22A
tmd(74BD310): nbd 74BD320 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735BF2A
tmd(74BD320): nbd 74BD330 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EB02A
tmd(74BD330): nbd 74BD340 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735232A
tmd(74BD340): nbd 74BD350 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F182A
tmd(74BD350): nbd 74BD360 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734462A
tmd(74BD360): nbd 74BD370 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EF7AA
tmd(74BD370): nbd 74BD380 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EDDAA
tmd(74BD380): nbd 74BD390 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DB92A
tmd(74BD390): nbd 74BD3A0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735572A
tmd(74BD3A0): nbd 74BD3B0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E8FAA
tmd(74BD3B0): nbd 74BD3C0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72ED72A
tmd(74BD3C0): nbd 74BD3D0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734C1AA
tmd(74BD3D0): nbd 74BD3E0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DED2A
tmd(74BD3E0): nbd 74BD3F0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734872A
tmd(74BD3F0): nbd 74BD400 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7355DAA
tmd(74BD400): nbd 74BD410 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7351CAA
tmd(74BD410): nbd 74BD420 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735A52A
tmd(74BD420): nbd 74BD430 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734D52A
tmd(74BD430): nbd 74BD440 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734DBAA
tmd(74BD440): nbd 74BD450 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EBD2A
tmd(74BD450): nbd 74BD460 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E892A
tmd(74BD460): nbd 74BD470 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EF12A
tmd(74BD470): nbd 74BD480 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7101B14
tmd(74BD480): nbd 74BD490 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DD32A
tmd(74BD490): nbd 74BD4A0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DE6AA
tmd(74BD4A0): nbd 74BD4B0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7354A2A
tmd(74BD4B0): nbd 74BD4C0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E552A
tmd(74BD4C0): nbd 74BD4D0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734CEAA
tmd(74BD4D0): nbd 74BD4E0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F322A
tmd(74BD4E0): nbd 74BD4F0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 73432AA
tmd(74BD4F0): nbd 74BD500 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E00AA
tmd(74BD500): nbd 74BD510 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E3B2A
tmd(74BD510): nbd 74BD520 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735C5AA
tmd(74BD520): nbd 74BD530 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E68AA
tmd(74BD530): nbd 74BD540 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E142A
tmd(74BD540): nbd 74BD550 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E6F2A
tmd(74BD550): nbd 74BD560 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7343FAA
tmd(74BD560): nbd 74BD570 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735D92A
tmd(74BD570): nbd 74BD580 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734E8AA
tmd(74BD580): nbd 74BD590 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DB92A
tmd(74BD590): nbd 74BD5A0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F182A
tmd(74BD5A0): nbd 74BD5B0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7355DAA
tmd(74BD5B0): nbd 74BD5C0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734872A
tmd(74BD5C0): nbd 74BD5D0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734DBAA
tmd(74BD5D0): nbd 74BD5E0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72ED0AA
tmd(74BD5E0): nbd 74BD5F0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DD32A
tmd(74BD5F0): nbd 74BD600 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E5BAA
tmd(74BD600): nbd 74BD610 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E4EAA
tmd(74BD610): nbd 74BD620 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F11AA
tmd(74BD620): nbd 74BD630 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735C5AA
tmd(74BD630): nbd 74BD640 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735232A
tmd(74BD640): nbd 74BD650 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F252A
tmd(74BD650): nbd 74BD660 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735B22A
tmd(74BD660): nbd 74BD670 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F04AA
tmd(74BD670): nbd 74BD680 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E7C2A
tmd(74BD680): nbd 74BD690 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EF7AA
tmd(74BD690): nbd 74BD6A0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734462A
tmd(74BD6A0): nbd 74BD6B0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734C1AA
tmd(74BD6B0): nbd 74BD6C0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735572A
tmd(74BD6C0): nbd 74BD6D0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F182A
tmd(74BD6D0): nbd 74BD6E0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7351CAA
tmd(74BD6E0): nbd 74BD6F0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EBD2A
tmd(74BD6F0): nbd 74BD700 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734E22A
tmd(74BD700): nbd 74BD710 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72ED0AA
tmd(74BD710): nbd 74BD720 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 73459AA
tmd(74BD720): nbd 74BD730 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DB2AA
tmd(74BD730): nbd 74BD740 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7354A2A
tmd(74BD740): nbd 74BD750 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7355DAA
tmd(74BD750): nbd 74BD760 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 73536AA
tmd(74BD760): nbd 74BD770 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E2E2A
tmd(74BD770): nbd 74BD780 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E75AA
tmd(74BD780): nbd 74BD790 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7349AAA
tmd(74BD790): nbd 74BD7A0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735092A
tmd(74BD7A0): nbd 74BD7B0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EB6AA
tmd(74BD7B0): nbd 74BD7C0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F1EAA
tmd(74BD7C0): nbd 74BD7D0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E072A
tmd(74BD7D0): nbd 74BD7E0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EF7AA
tmd(74BD7E0): nbd 74BD7F0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734AE2A
tmd(74BD7F0): nbd 74BD800 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E8FAA
tmd(74BD800): nbd 74BD810 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DD32A
tmd(74BD810): nbd 74BD820 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DE6AA
tmd(74BD820): nbd 74BD830 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7349AAA
tmd(74BD830): nbd 74BD840 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735C5AA
tmd(74BD840): nbd 74BD850 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735232A
tmd(74BD850): nbd 74BD860 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735BF2A
tmd(74BD860): nbd 74BD870 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735712A
tmd(74BD870): nbd 74BD880 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E7C2A
tmd(74BD880): nbd 74BD890 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72EF7AA
tmd(74BD890): nbd 74BD8A0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 734462A
tmd(74BD8A0): nbd 74BD8B0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735B22A
tmd(74BD8B0): nbd 74BD8C0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F252A
tmd(74BD8C0): nbd 74BD8D0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72F182A
tmd(74BD8D0): nbd 74BD8E0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 7351CAA
tmd(74BD8E0): nbd 74BD8F0 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 735572A
tmd(74BD8F0): nbd 74BD900 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72DD32A
tmd(74BD900): nbd 74BD910 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 72E0DAA
tmd(74BD910): nbd 74BD120 cmd_sts 00C30000 byt_cnt ABCDABCD buf_ptr 73591AA

buffer size 1524


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2005
Well, know the telco is saying that the faulty hardware is at the remote site (thankfully it is not far away!) so I will be going to do a hard test on that. I did not notice any slips, but not exactly sure what that is. I greatly appreciate your help on this spidey!!


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
slips are normally from clocking problems....the clock "slips"

oh, and for future reference you really, really, really should have a modem on any router. Resolves any problems much quicker.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
I mean you slap a modem on the router so you can dial into the console interface. This way when the circuit is having trouble you can troubleshoot both ends at the same.

It's like talking into the tin can on a string and hearing it on the other tin can instead of shouting into the tin can, driving to the other end and expecting to hear it.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2005
Ok, that is what I thought you meant, but wasn't sure. Like I said, thankfully in this case I am only 2 miles from the router. Now if it was our office in Cincinnati or Chicago, that would suck!

I started working at this place about 3-4 months ago, and they never did anything with their network, and that is where I come in. I enjoy doing it and learning it, unfortunately I am not all the way there yet :)


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2005
OK, so here we are on day 2. As of yesterday:

Check clockin rates with telco, everything is as it should be.
Tested hardware at corporate, good.
Telco gets CRC errors with remote site hardware.

Today at remote site:
Tested hardware, passed all tests no problem. Any thoughts?


Junior Member
Nov 28, 2006
If the telco sees crc errors on the remote site then the problem exist there.

Depends on how much testing you want to get involved in. You can loop the circuits and see the loops on your routers. Point to point circuits will go up/up looped. If you ping your own IP address in these cases the traffic will be send to the far end come back. Your ping times should be 2 times the normal since the traffic is going back and forth twice. When a circuit it clean you should see no errors or loss.

First thing is to verify with the telco has tested against a loop on their smartjack. They can send a command to the smartjack and tell it to loop. The telco is responsible all the way to the smartjack so if there are any errors to this point it is their problem.

If they test clean you are best starting at the smart jack and work toward the router.

Place a loop plug directly in the smartjack and verify they do or do not see errors. It is unlikely but sometimes the port in the smart jack goes bad.

Move your loopplug to the end of the cable just before the router. You can use a normal inline coupler to do this. Again see if they see errors.

Now you are to the router.

Depending on the type of WIC card you will need to configure either the controller or the serial interface.

If you go into configuration mode on the interface/controller there is a command LOOPBACK. This allows you to put software loops on the card. There are 2 types of loops you are interested in. LINE and PAYLOAD. Line is basically the same as the loopplug. Payload runs the traffic though the logic and tests some of the DSU part of the card. In either case if the errors are seen on these loops but not on the hard loop you have a bad card.

In the unlikely case you get to a payload loop on the card and still see no errors then you have a clocking issue between the card and the network. These are very hard to find and I would still replace the wic in the router.

Even though the remote site is near you can partally do this testing remotly. If you can log into the router remotely you can put the loops in. The method to do this is to first save your configuration. Now issue a command RELOAD IN 30min. This will schedule a reload which will undo the next command. You can now configure the loopback command on the interface. You of course will get kicked as soon as you hit enter on the loopback command since you can no longer see the router. you now have 30 mintues to test. You can repeat this as often as necessary. This method helps a lot when the site is say in another country.

Since you are running cisco stuff you may want to try next time you have questions.


Golden Member
Apr 2, 2002
After the reboot, where do you see the result of the loopback test? sh log?


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2005
The people from the telco were out today. Everything was correct as I checked. They found errors on the line today. They had to be at each location of the point to point to see them (when they did their teting from their office everything came out clean). Thanks for all your help on this!!