Chrome browser and internet banking.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2000
A while back Chrome started having issues and giving an error when trying to log into my banks website. I can log into it fine with Chrome while I'm at work. The banks website does not list Chrome as compatible so I am pretty sure it would be a waste of time trying to email them. Just figured someone here might have encountered something similar.

Here is the error BTW.

"There was an error processing your sign on request. Please try again later.

To verify your User ID or select a new Password, click here.
To view frequently asked questions and answers concerning signing on to Online Banking, click here."

I also just reinstalled W7 x64 and got the latest build off of google. Not sure what version I am using at work. Will check Monday.


Senior member
Jun 19, 2003
The only site Chrome has not allowed me to properly use is microsoft's MSDN download pages for office 2010 beta, as well as win7 beta back in the day.

I use Chrome for wellsfargo banking; chase banking, and us bank banking. Additionally i use it to pay most of my bills online, so I am not sure if chrome is to blame, or if possibly something else is going wrong on their server

Since chrome is "relatively" new to the browser world I do not expect all websites to have updated to show compatibility with it, but as i said I have only encountered one site that didnt work, and it was microsofts..


Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2002
A while back Chrome started having issues and giving an error when trying to log into my banks website. I can log into it fine with Chrome while I'm at work. The banks website does not list Chrome as compatible so I am pretty sure it would be a waste of time trying to email them. Just figured someone here might have encountered something similar.

Here is the error BTW.

"There was an error processing your sign on request. Please try again later.

To verify your User ID or select a new Password, click here.
To view frequently asked questions and answers concerning signing on to Online Banking, click here."

I also just reinstalled W7 x64 and got the latest build off of google. Not sure what version I am using at work. Will check Monday.

most if not all, and i'm no expert, banks will require you to do your banking with a recognised browser.
and that means ie in most cases.
it's what their people work with, it seems :)


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
Being a web developer / programmer, there are a number of headaches that we encounter when coding a website for various browsers. Generally I focus on Internet Explorer (7 and 8), followed by Firefox (3), followed by Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE6, and others. If something doesn't work with the browsers I listed last, we usually just state that they're incompatible (which happens very rarely).

The bank is most likely protecting themselves and you, only testing their security measures in Internet Explorer and possibly Firefox. In other words, just use something that they list as compatible.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2000
I understand about Chrome being new, et. But as I've said, I can log into the same account from a Chrome browser on my work PC. And I used to have been able to log into it on this pc. Just one day it wouldn't work.

So, I formatted and reinstalled W7 and it still doesn't work. It's not a big deal because I can just fire up IE and log in. It's just something I have wondered about.

Only difference I can see is at work I use XP and this machine is W7 x4.