China 'disappears' a prominent actress. Why do we put up with this again?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
Don't forget that the US Government got Al Capone on tax evasion. Even the most notorious gangster who "silenced" his opponents and "erased" evidence against him could not avoid the tax man.

Unless you are squeaky clean on your bookkeeping, they can find something you did wrong and use that against you. Fan Bingbing drew unwanted attention to herself and they made an example of her using the excuse of tax code violations.

China has all of our rights to free speech and assembly - on paper. But as demonstrators found out in 1989, "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun". Reality is that there are certain topics and certain criticisms that you simply cannot make in China - if you wish to remain free. Or perhaps, alive.


Jun 19, 2004
China puts it's government ahead of the welfare of it's people. Sounds a lot like what we're going through in the US.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
F*ck China, 'nuff said. China is in no way part of the "free world." People who think America is headed the same way should go live in China for a bit then come back and tell us what you think.


Apr 19, 2001
Why do we put up with it? Because any country that detains its own citizens without due process on the flimsiest or even non-existent evidence has no credibility to take offense at what China does. We are every bit the shithole that we claim they are.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004

America may not be at the very top, and we are far from perfect, but we aren't sucking damn near bottom like China is.

Refusing to admit what is good about America and continuing to insist it's a shithole is EXACTLY what pissed off enough idiots to give Trump the presidency. Nobody will ever take it away from him and no party will ever gain political power if they continue to disingenuously insist that America sucks.

I'm not sure if America bashing is worse today or just always been a thing for some folks. I never thought I'd say it, because I know this isn't how democracy works, but sometimes I wish rather than try to mollify those who hate America we would just buy them a one-way ticket to China.

And, to directly answer the OP's question: We put up with it because it's China and the average American's concerns don't roam that far from home. Do you think anyone in China is outraged over injustices in our country? Should they be? Do we bother to be concerned if they don't?


Jan 12, 2005

America may not be at the very top, and we are far from perfect, but we aren't sucking damn near bottom like China is.

Refusing to admit what is good about America and continuing to insist it's a shithole is EXACTLY what pissed off enough idiots to give Trump the presidency. Nobody will ever take it away from him and no party will ever gain political power if they continue to disingenuously insist that America sucks.

I'm not sure if America bashing is worse today or just always been a thing for some folks. I never thought I'd say it, because I know this isn't how democracy works, but sometimes I wish rather than try to mollify those who hate America we would just buy them a one-way ticket to China.
But also the "ignore what's wrong with your own country and concentrate on what's wrong in other ones" attitude isn't healthy either.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
But also the "ignore what's wrong with your own country and concentrate on what's wrong in other ones" attitude isn't healthy either.
Um...not sure that's at all what's happening here. America is NOT a shithole, and I don't have be pretending America is perfect to say so. Take your America hate back across the pond and keep it there. Lying that America is a shithole like China ain't healthy either, even if it is all the rage.


Jan 12, 2005
Um...not sure that's at all what's happening here. America is NOT a shithole, and I don't have be pretending America is perfect to say so. Take your America hate back across the pond and keep it there.
What makes you think I hate America?

I criticise the UK about stuff as well. I do that because I live here and I want it to be the best it can be.


Jul 17, 2003
How China wants to treat their actors is their business. I'm more concerned with the hacking/theft issue, gaming the system wrt trade, Taiwan, and militarizing international waters in the SCS. I see those last two being a big deal in the not too distant future. Xi has a window, my money is still on him using it.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
What makes you think I hate America?

I criticise the UK about stuff as well. I do that because I live here and I want it to be the best it can be.
Then disregard my last sentences and I'll stand on the first two. Wrong is wrong. And you or anyone else implying America is in the same class as China when it comes to providing freedom to its citizens are wrong.


Nov 11, 1999
Refusing to admit what is good about America and continuing to insist it's a shithole is EXACTLY what pissed off enough idiots to give Trump the presidency. Nobody will ever take it away from him and no party will ever gain political power if they continue to disingenuously insist that America sucks.

What are you going on about? Kee-rist. The right wing has been tearing down America since Gingrich, at least. They've fostered incredibly shitty attitudes about government, the media & their political opponents, culminating in Fuck your feelings & Donald Trump. Fuck the FBI & the DoJ. Fuck the intelligence agencies. Fuck the Mexican judges. Fuck women's rights. Fuck voting rights. Fuck the poors & the immigrants. Fuck the free press, the enemy of the People. Fuck the traditional processes of the Senate. Fuck the Dreamers & the Salvadoran refugees. Fuck anybody who gets in the way of further consolidating wealth & privilege in the hands of a few.
Mar 11, 2004
Then disregard my last sentences and I'll stand on the first two. Wrong is wrong. And you or anyone else implying America is in the same class as China when it comes to providing freedom to its citizens are wrong.

Then try formulating an argument that isn't arguing strawman bullshit.

You ignore that the reason why people are up in arms about how the government has been going in the US is specifically because they don't want to end up in a situation like China or worse. That you're arguing that people aren't appreciating how good it is in America is just dismissive bullshit. Its actually explicitly the reason why people make a fuss about stuff big and small. Hell, even though I think they're ridiculous assholes, at least the crybaby "we're being oppressed!" fuckwits like Alex Jones at least get that much. Sure, they're exploiting it for their own personal gain (just like they have been with everything else), but at least they get it.

Your argument is the exact same type of shit that these people have been using to oppress minorities like black people and women. "Yeah, well you have it better than ____, so shut the hell up! You don't like it, well then you can get out! Go back to where you came from!"
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2006
China is the biggest house of cards sham in history at the moment. A massive percentage of their supposed industry is smoke and mirrors, and the books are cooked so well that it is going to be earth shattering when the scam finally crumbles.

I just hope the violence is minimal when it shatters, but the economic ramifications will be staggering. Hopefully the next government is less psychopathic. They are running concentration/reeducation/death camps for their Muslim minority, uncovered by unbelievably brave individuals.

China has immense potential, but the corruption and pathological lack of respect for human rights and individual privacy is tragic. The USA and Russia both have some real problems with similar themes, but are rank amateurs by contrast.
Mar 11, 2004

America may not be at the very top, and we are far from perfect, but we aren't sucking damn near bottom like China is.

Refusing to admit what is good about America and continuing to insist it's a shithole is EXACTLY what pissed off enough idiots to give Trump the presidency. Nobody will ever take it away from him and no party will ever gain political power if they continue to disingenuously insist that America sucks.

I'm not sure if America bashing is worse today or just always been a thing for some folks. I never thought I'd say it, because I know this isn't how democracy works, but sometimes I wish rather than try to mollify those who hate America we would just buy them a one-way ticket to China.

And, to directly answer the OP's question: We put up with it because it's China and the average American's concerns don't roam that far from home. Do you think anyone in China is outraged over injustices in our country? Should they be? Do we bother to be concerned if they don't?

So, we should just be happy then?

WTF? You realize they're the ones saying its gone to shit, right? Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? How does Turmp saying he's going to make it great again (which is straight up saying its not great now) mean Democrats are saying its shit? Just, wow, that's the dumbest fucking argument I've seen on here in some time. Talk about disingenuous.

Hell, you yourself have gone on rants about how the country is going to shit so get the fuck over yourself, hypocrite.

Yes, because America has never bashed people from other countries. Its not like we had our President literally call other countries shitholes or anything. Oh wait... Well I hope we start with you, you fucking fraud, because you clearly are refusing to see how America is absolutely starting to mimic China's government (massive corruption where they prioritize economic prosperity above all else, yep that doesn't sound like both Republican run America and China at all!)

Average Americans absolutely. Unfortunately they enable governments and corporations that view the rest of the world as only "what can get from them". They are actually, as many people here are about injustices that happen elsewhere in the world, because they're human beings and not stuck in a closed minded FYGM mentality that people like you and modern conservatives are. Plus, a hell of a lot of that stuff does impact them, so they pay attention and care. What? What the fuck could they even do about it? That's the fucking issue idiot. They can be concerned but not have power to do anything about it. Well you can keep not giving a fuck and then crying and wondering why people don't see things your way. But if you think people are going to put up with your hypocritical bullshit, then you've got another thing coming asshole.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
You realise this is just freedom of press issue?

People get arrested for tax evasion all the time, they just don't announce it to the public til they feel like it.

The Interpol director one is far more serious.


Apr 8, 2013
What makes you think I hate America?

I criticise the UK about stuff as well. I do that because I live here and I want it to be the best it can be.

You did draw a rather false equivalency with your link, though. If your point is that America has done bad things, that's fine. But you offered up that link to refute his point - which was not that the US never does bad things. Just that we're better than China. As such, you were using that link to reject his argument and I can understand his response.


Jan 12, 2005
You did draw a rather false equivalency with your link, though. If your point is that America has done bad things, that's fine. But you offered up that link to refute his point - which was not that the US never does bad things. Just that we're better than China. As such, you were using that link to reject his argument and I can understand his response.
Ah, fair enough. I should have explained more. I apologise for the shortness of that post.
It was in response to "People who think America is headed the same way...". You don't think extraordinary rendition is heading in that direction? It's certainly not heading in the direction of more freedom and greater democracy!
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No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
F*ck China, 'nuff said. China is in no way part of the "free world." People who think America is headed the same way should go live in China for a bit then come back and tell us what you think.
What, to assure us that we need to keep from falling that far?