Just goes to show, this is going to be a long war against terrorism.
Even if you knock off Saddam and Osama and Yasser, you can't kill them all.
That makes the war a very difficult one to win using military force alone.
Now, someone please tell me how in the hell you educate these people that we are not the enemy, thier leaders and teachers are. The only thing we would want is for all peoples to live in peace and be prosperous. There should be no reason for peoples to regard anyone other than themselves to be a threat or an enemy to be destroyed.
This is a vicious cycle. We who favor peace are forced to defend our belief with guns because those who would seek to deny us this peace are training children to be suicide bombers and kill all Americans and Israelis. And we can no longer afford to wait to be attacked. We must be pre emptive in order to avoid loss of our own.
That does seem to blur the lines, and certainly an impressionable young mind is the first to be polluted by this Whahabi false Islamic dogma that is being foisted on these children. And what would these children think when we destroy their leaders and teachers? We aren't going to look like avenging angels,are we?
What really puzzles me is why we where sleeping when all this hate was festering on the otherside of the globe? We are supposed to be the most advanced and informed nation on the planet. Why was our government and religious leaders keeping this so close to their breast that the public was unaware until the events of 9/11/02?
There should be an accounting of this, if we can ever find time to do it between the spin and excuses we get from all the political pundits from every side in this country.
The link is very disturbing. Kill the little vermon before they spread like a cancer. I'm fresh out of logic in this stinking war.:Q