Originally posted by: coolred
Hey rossman,
SFF generally refers to either mini ITX, or the proprietery(SP?) shuttles and the like. While many mATX cases can be small form factor, such as the antec aria, they are still generally bigger then the shuttles and definately beat out the mini ITX's in the size department.
This may not be accurate, but I guess one way you could look at it is.
ATX=5+ PCI slots
mATX=3 PCI slots
mini ITX I don't know as much about, I think they generall use a riser card and support 2 slots(PCI or AGP)
The shuttles and others like them generally have room enough for 2 cards, again PCI or AGP, soemtimes 2x PCI.
Originally posted by: Geogray
Hi there!<BR><BR>I built a fairly cheap pvr pc using the Mini-ITX EPIA M10000 motherboard.<BR>I use a Casetronic 2699 case (smaller than most VCR's) and it is very quiet.<BR>Mind you, it is not a speed demon, but is more than adequate for most htpc needs.<BR>It's not going to be playing the latest and greatest 3d video games, but will handle<BR>most 2d and older 3d games and emulators just fine. It can perform timeshifting<BR>and most Tivo features. I can record upt 70 hours of video in 'standard' (better than VHS) quality<BR>or about 35 hours in high quality mode (pretty close to what the broadcast looked like initially.)<BR>I use Showshifter for PVR functionality, my HTPC for most else and PowerDVD/Showshifter for<BR>DVD playback. <BR><BR>I have a small web site with pictures and some specs:<BR>http://mywebpages.comcast.net/geogray/myhardware.html
Originally posted by: hytek369
is it possible to use a XBOX for this job?