<< You can get those bulk packs at stores like Costco or Sam's. And it sounds like you've been using rechargeable alkalines...those suck. I've switched over to NiMh (Nickel metal hydride) and those are awesome. They're designed for high powered devices like digicams. They're expensive but if you have a gameboy or digital camera and have to replace batteries often, get NiMh ones. There's a thread in hot deals about these batteries and a recharger for cheap at Micro Center. Check it out if you have a MC near you. >>
Using disposable alkaline batteries on digital camera is plainly stupid.
Some facts about batteries:
Alkaline batteries have more "capacity" than NiMH and retains charge longer when it is stored. It will last longer than NiMH in low current application such as relatively small flashlights, radio and such. These have higher internal resistance than NiMH. There is not a whole a lot of difference in capacity between brands. The difference is in internal resistance. They'll all last about the same in a clock, but put it in a digital camera and something like Energizer e2 will beat cheapo by a considerable margin.
Standard Energizer alkaline: 2850mAh
NiMH, while having about half the "capacity" of alkaline and much higher loss during storage, it has much less internal resistance. The higher the current you draw, the higher the percentage of energy is lost in battery and converted to heat.
Eveready NiMH=1,400mAh
NiMH will last about as long as alkaline per charge in digital camera, because alkaline is losing about half the energy in battery itself. Have you ever noticed how hot these alkalines get after being used in digital camera?
So you know that using alkalines will cost $1 each per battery. Using NiMH will yield same performance while only costing a charge. Have two sets of charged NiMH's and you'll be a happy camper.