Charter Pipeline Speed....


Golden Member
Dec 25, 2000

Hello everybody. I FINALLY got broadband yesterday. I got set up on Charter Pipeline here in one of the small podunk towns in Southeastern KY.
Now....I noticed that a LOT of people that have @home or ATT or some others get REALLY great speeds. So far....I haven't gotten overly great speed.
The package that I signed up for was 2048kbps down/ 256kbps up. I know this is the THEORETICAL part of the connection. I will say that I've come
nowhere CLOSE to that so far. The BEST speed test I have had was 606kbps. That was in the early afternoon. Last night I went on and when I
tested it on dslreports, it said I was downloading at modem speed. That kinda blows my mind....shouldn't it be faster than that? Anyways, I have a
Linksys Router and the access is shared between 3 computers but the other computer that uses the broadband mainly just runs apps like ICQ, MSN,
and AIM. That shouldn't cut into the bandwidth too much....or I wouldn't think so anyways. Right now as we speak I am downloading from WinMX and
the transfer rate is 14-15k per second. It goes down to around 7 or 8k for a lot of the time. I'm only paying 29.99 a month for the service and it IS faster
than dialup for the most part. It's always on and doesn't tie up the phone line, which is good. I was just expecting.....well.....a little MORE than what I'm
getting right now. I've gone to John Navas's site and downloaded and installed the registry tweak....but maybe that doesn't make much of a difference.
A friend of mine who had it installed yesterday said that they told him that as soon as the paperwork was finalized that the speed would probably increase.
I'm hoping so...but....not totally sure about that. As I said, I'm not TRYING to gripe.....I'm just curious as to whether or not this is normal. Are there any other
Charter Pipeline users out there that can shed some light on the subject? I'd love to hear from see what kind of speeds you're getting. Thanks in

