For a long time, I've had a problem with my PC locking up at random times. I've never been able to find the cause. I have been advised to strip out cards (sound, parallel port, firewire card). I removed the parallel port card as I no longer need it. The lockup problem preceded the firewire card so I don't think that is the problem. For some reason, I resisted removing my sound card. Well, tonight I finally did remove the sound card (Sound Blaster Live Value) and so far this evening I've not experienced a lock up. I managed to install Win SP2 which failed on 3 previous attempts due to lock up and I burned an CD-R and verified the disk which almost always locks up the system.
My question is, would installing any other brand of sound card (such as a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz) be any less likely to cause my PC to lock up when installed. And yes, I did have the latest drivers for the Sound Blaster installed in my PC.
My question is, would installing any other brand of sound card (such as a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz) be any less likely to cause my PC to lock up when installed. And yes, I did have the latest drivers for the Sound Blaster installed in my PC.