What do you mean "change the default function". The recycle bin is a special system folder that contains files you have deleted. It does not have anything to do with file types since any file can go in there after deleting. If you want to explore the recycle bin just right click the icon and you should have an explore option. You can aslo look at it via windows explorer by opening it as a folder as long as you have your options set to see system files and folders.Originally posted by: gflores
how do you change the default function of the recycle bin. i couldn't find it in the file types where i would normally change it. for example, if i wanted it to explore the bin when i double click it, how would i do this?
so i'm not sure what to do now...
I'm sorry but you are flippen pissing me off. I told you what to do right here and you just plain ignored it. In the properties you can choose what you want the recycling bin to do. Just make it a STANDARD RECYCLING BIN.Originally posted by: amdskip
Right click, properties?