Changing IRQ's for ISA nics LINUX


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
I have a kingston NIC in one of my Debian boxes. I need to change the IRQ (I have the proper utility) and IO numbers so that it won't conflict with my other NIC. I set this card up during install and I had to specify IO and IRQ numbers to get it to load the module. It worked, but now I want to change those values. I guess I'm going to have to tell the kernel or the modules or something, to look at different IO and IRQ for this card once I change it.. how do I do that?

----- original, long and complicated post below ---------------

Okay.. some of you may be familiar with my "setting up a debian router" headaches (well, growing pains really).
I have discovered that roger's, my cable modem ISP has changed their policy in regards to DHCP. It used to be that you only needed the client ID as a host name, but now they have it set to MAC address. So, I took the working card out of my current router and sat it in my new router. I have the modules for the 3C509 on both machines, so the swap went smooth and guess what, the DHCP deamon worked!!!
Now I have another problem though (of course). It seems that the IRQ's are conflicting. The other card is a Kingston, and I set it up during the install, and I specified the IRQ (3) and IO (300) during install to get it to work. I used the NE2000 module that should work with a lot of cards, it did. Only when the new 3C509 is in, it doesn't come up. It did come up though when the other 3C509 was in there.
I try
ifconfig eth1 up
I get a "there is no eth1" or some such message. The machine doesn't recognize the card.
How do I change the IRQ's (I tried using different slots) in my working configuration. I can't change the IRQ on the 3C509 because that card will be going back and forth between both systems untill I get mail and web services running again. Whew, there will be lots of hardware swapping as I need to keep myself online to get mail.
I need to change the IRQ of the kingston card, I have the proper utilities, but I think that if I change the IRQ and IO numbers on the Kingston that it will stop working all together, because I configured linux to see it on 3 and 300. What command line arguments can I give it to accept the new numbers?


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Edit /etc/modutils/modconf, there should be a line starting with options that has the drive and then the irq number on it.


Senior member
Jan 23, 2001
look at you /etc/modules.conf youll have options for certain modules.

ie for my nic i have the line
options eepro100 irq=17

then i of course have to setup an alias
alias eth0 eepro100/i]

then whenever i load the eepro100 module it uses those values.

man modules.conf for more


Senior member
Jan 23, 2001
is /etc/modutils/modconf the location for debian? if so, use that. i suspect the syntax is at least the same.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Hey thanks guys.

Nothinman, you use Debian right?
I am running 2.2.19 and I don't have an /etc/modutils/modconf

I'm lost.

edit: I do have a /usr/sbin/modconf but that ain't what i'm looking for is it. It's all c I think.



Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Nothinman, you use Debian right?
I am running 2.2.19 and I don't have an /etc/modutils/modconf

What release of Debian though, that directory would be more dependent on modutils version than kernel version.

See if you can run modconf.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Hmm.. I can run modconf. Cool, I'll post back with the results. Must go to sleep !!! Argh.. :|

edit: Uh.. if I just run modconf and I pick the ne2000 module and pass it the new IRQ and IO .. will the old setting still exist somewhere? Should I worry about the old setting at all? Thanks. Modconf is just like the installer, I guess it's the same program.

editedit: (it's late, sorry) How can I find out what IRQ's and IO's are being used up? I am going to use the util to change the IRQ/IO on the kingston card, but I don't want to change it to something that is being used and just end up with the same (or worse) problem. Thanks.

BTW, this was real quick. I didn't expect to get any replies on this one. Thanks. Love how you can find help at 4:00 AM .. :)


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Hmm.. /etc/modules is a text file.. I like that better.
I'm gonna mess with this tomorrow when I'm not brain damaged. Thanks for the help. I'll update (as I'm sure I'm going to need more help).

/nick smpzzzz


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
modconf can't change the IRQ of the card, all it does is let you setup modules to be loaded and their options. Most ISA cards require a DOS program to set the IRQ, or you can set them to plug and play and mess with pnpdump.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Yeah.. I thought I could use it and just go through the thing again where you specify which irq and IO to use with the module.. but then I would have two loaded right? Anyways, it's okay because I'm going to tamper with /etc/modules
I like the text file approach better anyways.

Now i have a new problem.. looks like I killed the kingston card last night somehow I can't get it to register at all. :(

oh wait.. here it is.. weird.. the utility doesn't see it..