I have a kingston NIC in one of my Debian boxes. I need to change the IRQ (I have the proper utility) and IO numbers so that it won't conflict with my other NIC. I set this card up during install and I had to specify IO and IRQ numbers to get it to load the module. It worked, but now I want to change those values. I guess I'm going to have to tell the kernel or the modules or something, to look at different IO and IRQ for this card once I change it.. how do I do that?
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Okay.. some of you may be familiar with my "setting up a debian router" headaches (well, growing pains really).
I have discovered that roger's, my cable modem ISP has changed their policy in regards to DHCP. It used to be that you only needed the client ID as a host name, but now they have it set to MAC address. So, I took the working card out of my current router and sat it in my new router. I have the modules for the 3C509 on both machines, so the swap went smooth and guess what, the DHCP deamon worked!!!
Now I have another problem though (of course). It seems that the IRQ's are conflicting. The other card is a Kingston, and I set it up during the install, and I specified the IRQ (3) and IO (300) during install to get it to work. I used the NE2000 module that should work with a lot of cards, it did. Only when the new 3C509 is in, it doesn't come up. It did come up though when the other 3C509 was in there.
I try
ifconfig eth1 up
I get a "there is no eth1" or some such message. The machine doesn't recognize the card.
How do I change the IRQ's (I tried using different slots) in my working configuration. I can't change the IRQ on the 3C509 because that card will be going back and forth between both systems untill I get mail and web services running again. Whew, there will be lots of hardware swapping as I need to keep myself online to get mail.
I need to change the IRQ of the kingston card, I have the proper utilities, but I think that if I change the IRQ and IO numbers on the Kingston that it will stop working all together, because I configured linux to see it on 3 and 300. What command line arguments can I give it to accept the new numbers?
----- original, long and complicated post below ---------------
Okay.. some of you may be familiar with my "setting up a debian router" headaches (well, growing pains really).
I have discovered that roger's, my cable modem ISP has changed their policy in regards to DHCP. It used to be that you only needed the client ID as a host name, but now they have it set to MAC address. So, I took the working card out of my current router and sat it in my new router. I have the modules for the 3C509 on both machines, so the swap went smooth and guess what, the DHCP deamon worked!!!
Now I have another problem though (of course). It seems that the IRQ's are conflicting. The other card is a Kingston, and I set it up during the install, and I specified the IRQ (3) and IO (300) during install to get it to work. I used the NE2000 module that should work with a lot of cards, it did. Only when the new 3C509 is in, it doesn't come up. It did come up though when the other 3C509 was in there.
I try
ifconfig eth1 up
I get a "there is no eth1" or some such message. The machine doesn't recognize the card.
How do I change the IRQ's (I tried using different slots) in my working configuration. I can't change the IRQ on the 3C509 because that card will be going back and forth between both systems untill I get mail and web services running again. Whew, there will be lots of hardware swapping as I need to keep myself online to get mail.
I need to change the IRQ of the kingston card, I have the proper utilities, but I think that if I change the IRQ and IO numbers on the Kingston that it will stop working all together, because I configured linux to see it on 3 and 300. What command line arguments can I give it to accept the new numbers?