Change P&N to just P?

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Oct 27, 2007
I don't know if anyone reads this forum but thought I'd just throw it out there. Should P&N be changed to Politics or Political News? That's pretty much all that happens there anyway, but there is always ambiguity surrounding which type of news is appropriate for OT. Just a thought.


Aug 8, 2001
Politics and Economics. The "Political News" is a given.
All other news should be in OT.



Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
I kind of wish it was P&R (Politics & Religion).



Aug 8, 2001
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
I kind of wish it was P&R (Politics & Religion).


I don't think the 2 belong together (Call it separation of church and state :p). If Religion were to leave ATOT (hope not), it should be in a forum with Philosophy. Religion and Philosophy (you could add "Spirituality" to the mix, but then it would be "RPS" and "Spirituality" is such a vague moniker covered by Religion and Philosophy, anyway). I'm more for reuniting the forums that were split off from ATOT, though.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: Crono
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
I kind of wish it was P&R (Politics & Religion).


I don't think the 2 belong together (Call it separation of church and state :p). If Religion were to leave ATOT (hope not), it should be in a forum with Philosophy. Religion and Philosophy (you could add "Spirituality" to the mix, but then it would be "RPS" and "Spirituality" is such a vague moniker covered by Religion and Philosophy, anyway). I'm more for reuniting the forums that were split off from ATOT, though.

I would like to reunite some things into OT, but keeping L&R (non-babe threads only, I'd like to see babe threads back in OT) apart, P&N (or P&R for me) would be the 2 I'd like to keep separate. Religion threads always degenerate into mud-slinging and zealotry from both sides, which is unfortunate, yet inevitable it seems and would be more appropriate for P&N.

These are, of course, just my own personal preferences.

Oct 27, 2007
I don't like the idea of separating religion into another subforum for a couple of reasons. I visit a very busy forum that created a Religion & Philosophy subforum a couple of years back and it gets almost no traffic. Sure, the posts in there tend to be a little more informed, but it's just the same half a dozen users most of the time. Religion threads should stay in OT because even though they tend to get a lot of stupid posts from both sides of the isle, there is also sometimes legit discussion amongst the mess. A religion forum would quickly devolve into the same few users writing the same few arguments ad infinitum. At least in OT there are enough different users coming and going to make the threads interesting. If I wanted truly deep and well-moderated discussions on religion I'd visit a site like


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
I don't like the idea of separating religion into another subforum for a couple of reasons. I visit a very busy forum that created a Religion & Philosophy subforum a couple of years back and it gets almost no traffic. Sure, the posts in there tend to be a little more informed, but it's just the same half a dozen users most of the time. Religion threads should stay in OT because even though they tend to get a lot of stupid posts from both sides of the isle, there is also sometimes legit discussion amongst the mess. A religion forum would quickly devolve into the same few users writing the same few arguments ad infinitum. At least in OT there are enough different users coming and going to make the threads interesting. If I wanted truly deep and well-moderated discussions on religion I'd visit a site like

Well I wasn't really thinking it should be on an island all by itself, but combined with the Political subforum, since they seem to be pretty intertwined in the US anyway. Does not really matter what I think though.

Oct 27, 2007
I disagree very strongly. Politics forums tend to draw in the biggest retards on the planet, while sensible people avoid them. We'd never be able to have a religion thread that wasn't diluted by stupid political attacks. There are some smart people on P&N but their posts are dominated by the retard majority. Just have a look at this OT thread to see what happens when an otherwise interesting discussion gets invaded by the political sycophants.


Aug 8, 2001
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
I disagree very strongly. Politics forums tend to draw in the biggest retards on the planet, while sensible people avoid them. We'd never be able to have a religion thread that wasn't diluted by stupid political attacks. There are some smart people on P&N but their posts are dominated by the retard majority. Just have a look at this OT thread to see what happens when an otherwise interesting discussion gets invaded by the political sycophants.

^ What he said. OT religion threads draw in people who are looking for serious discussion, and relatively good-natured trolling ("LOL RELIGION", to quote a dear friend:p). P&N is almost always heated and often malicious. Discussing religion in P&N never turns out good, but it does (rarely, but still on occasion) in OT.

The one change I recommend, as I stated previously, is to change P&N to Politics and Economics. Makes it clearer what belongs where, and it doesn't disturb the workings of any of the forums too much before the vB switch. Just my $0.02000001 :)


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
I disagree very strongly. Politics forums tend to draw in the biggest retards on the planet, while sensible people avoid them. We'd never be able to have a religion thread that wasn't diluted by stupid political attacks. There are some smart people on P&N but their posts are dominated by the retard majority. Just have a look at this OT thread to see what happens when an otherwise interesting discussion gets invaded by the political sycophants.

True, we should leave all the deep, philosophical discussions for the intellectual giants in OT. :laugh:

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