Cellphone's to be jammed in Canada?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
heh, I heard a little bit about this before, and today I read This. Basically up here in Canada they are considering making it against the law to be on a Cell phone while driving (unless it's an emergency), AND they're considering allowing Cellphone jammers to be sold for restaurants and concert hall type places. In other words, they can block it, if they feel that they are inappropriate.

Personally, I'd have to agree, I don't think they'd be appropriate in certain situations, especially in Cars. The argument against is that in case of an emergency if you are within the area of jamming effect, you could have problems (though I could think of a few solutions to that problem).

also, an interesting fact near the bottom of the article. Currently there are 8.3 million cell phone users in Canada, that's out of about 30 million people or so, which means the percentage of Cell Phone users is high.. it's odd that a fair amount of people in my school have cell phones too (though so far I've never been in a class where one went off).


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I personally would rather have a cell-phone ringer-silencer than a jammer. Just have a device that sends out a "shut-up" broadcast call to all cell-phones in the immediate viscinity and then those cell-phones would have their ringers go into silent mode or vibrate mode. But everybody would need new phones.

I like the idea of a cell-phone jammer as well. There are far too many idiots in lecture, hospitals, highways, and churches that have their cell-phones on. The argument with respect to emergencies is weak - how the heck did people handle emergencies before cell-phones? Put it simply, if you're in a viscinity that is jammed, you're also within walking distance of a land-line phone (i.e. you'd be at a restaurant, theatre, hospital, etc.).



Golden Member
Jan 8, 2001
Jammers are a bit extreme, I believe silencers are a bit more appropriate. This isn't possible through current standards, but next generation cell phones should have a vibrating alternative to ringing like beepers do.

Personally I think it would open more problems than solve.


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2000
next gen??? Geez, I thought the vibration option to the ring has been around for a while. Mine has that option.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
well, I got hit from behind by an A$$wipe talking on a cell phone. Some people talk to much on cellphones while driving


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
Regarding cells in vehicles, a lot of states/cities are passing laws that ban the use of cells that are not hands free. Which I agree with. One of these days I'm getting a hands free unit but that's after I swithc providers.
Jammers: very bad idea. I can just see the first lawsuit because a doctor could not be reached or in my case, you whole SAR group could not be reached since we have switched from pagers to phones. And the incident resulted in a death. I'm all for the vibrators and caller id as being mandatory. I tihnk too many people use them too much. If you are at a nice restaurant, silence it and don't answer unless its important. And what so-and-so was wearing today is not important.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I personally don't like talking on the phone much at all, but thats just me.

I'd rather there be 2 types of phone message. normal, and priority. 911 being a priority message. Then you just need to have some sort of filtering device, rather then a jamming one.


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
It takes a few idiots to ruin it for everyone. you know, those that scream into their phone and doesn't give a sh*t about the people around them. I wouldn't be surprised if they start it here in the US. Personally, I could do without ringing in the theater, people cutting me off while on the phone, and idiots talking so loud that the whole restuarant can hear them. Here's one vote to jam!


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Canada for awhile was the leader for cellphones per capita. However countries like Finland (home of Nokia) and Sweden (home of Ericson) i believe slightly outedge Canada in cell phone use.

Canada is/was at one point highest in the world for internet usage, with Calgary being #1 in Canada :)

I believe silencers should be used rather htan jammers in public places like resteraunts, but i can see the need in hospitals where lives are at stake.


Mar 11, 2000
If you hate cellular phones,your going to love this site
Cell Revenge

BTW: Calgary has the highest Internet Porn use in Canada as well ;)



Platinum Member
Oct 22, 1999
Wish they would do that here in Hong Kong in the cinema!
and the bus,
the restaurant,
open spaces.....


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 1999
GQ does that mean most canadian w@nkers live in Calgary? ;)
I've been there had a great time out on the town in "Electric Avenue" that was in the 80's though.things maye have changed.
Porn did not come into it though :)


Mar 11, 2000

Electric Avenue has closed but it sure was fun in the 80's. Where you here for the Stanley Cup win? that was a good party on Electric Ave.

The good bars have all moved away and are not so close to each other anymore.



Platinum Member
Oct 22, 1999
I was in Canada in '87, 88 and '89
I'm ex-army - we used to come over for training at Suffield - the "Sin Bin" in Medicine Hat - now that was a hoot!
The Corona bar in Calgary was also very "entertaining" - all Bikers and Hells Angels etc. They had a "show" every time we went....hehe...you had to be quick to dodge the tables and chairs though :)

I remember a very cute but somewhat naive girl (in Medicine Hat) asking me if British guys really liked fat Canadian girls? Hehe - I said they'd shag anything after 6 weeks on the Praire..lol ;)
She seemed both disappointed and relieved by the answer.


Mar 9, 2000
Jammer would be too extreme, and it would be abused, some jerky little kid could carry the jammer around and disprute commerical places like downtown, imagine if a stockbroker just lost contact to his client for a crucial second decision to sell a stock..... that just sucks,...

anyway, imo, ppl should not use cell phone while driving, but a head set would be acceptable.
and in places like Hosiptal, Church, ppl should have the courtest of silencing the phone, sometmes a call could mean life or death....


Senior member
Feb 23, 2001
Saying that people shouldn't use the phone here and there does not work. Educating users does not work. Counting on people's courtesy does not work.

Where I go see movies, just before the movie starts, a big reminder appears on the screen asking moviegoes to turn off their phones. 5 minutes into the movie, a phone rings in my aisle and then this person whispers on the phone for 1-2 minutes.

At least 5% of the population are just plain idiots. There's nothing you can do as they are born that way. In a theater with 200 people, there will always be several who would not turn their phones/ringers off.

I'm all for jamming.

For the person in Hong Kong, HK is also considering jamming cell phones.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 1999
I would imagine that if there was a notice (disclaimer) that said cell phone "jamming" was in effect that there would be no real liability for any lack of signal - I mean you could easily be outside a cell coverage area (not here in HK though andy!) and as a result somebody dies (extreme example) for lack of a network signal. Who is to blame - the cell company?...very doubtful.or would it be the owner of the hill that "jams" the signal?

I doubt it is your legal "right" to have a cell phone signal - only the right to have the paid use of the network possibly.

The providers of cell networks are usually "private" companies - if you are in a "private" establishment you should have the right to control what happens on your premises - that would include incoming electronic signals presumably?

I have spent the last 2 years without the use of a cell phone and it was fantastic :)
People look at you funny when you say you don't have a cell phone in HK - I loved being a rebel though ;)

I was given one by my Gf last week though :(

Now I'm going to spend hours of my life answering calls saying "I'm just on the bus", "yeah I'll be home later", "nope nothing much - what r u doing?"

This sums it all up prefectly though

<< There are far too many idiots in lecture, hospitals, highways, and churches that have their cell-phones on. The argument with respect to emergencies is weak - how the heck did people handle emergencies before cell-phones? Put it simply, if you're in a viscinity that is jammed, you're also within walking distance of a land-line phone (i.e. you'd be at a restaurant, theatre, hospital, etc.). >>

Andy when you get back over here - come to the cinema with me - you'll be campaigning for &quot;jammers&quot; by the end of the movie! lol ;)



Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2000
&quot;The argument with respect to emergencies is weak - how the heck did people handle emergencies before cell-phones? Put it simply, if you're in a viscinity that is jammed, you're also within walking distance of a land-line phone (i.e. you'd be at a restaurant, theatre, hospital, etc.).&quot;

, but what if you are a bus driver who has to keep the bus going faster than 50mph, or else the bus will explode.:) Then you couldn't stop to use a land line, or does that just happen in movies?:)


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
Yes but for incoming calls, a landline phone just won't do. Of the rescue callouts I've received in the last two years, 1/2 were to my house phone, 1/4 were to my work phone, and the rest came from the cellphone (one of these put me on a national guard plane to New York). At the end of our annual training class, the instructors (and some students) all go out to eat at a rather nice restaurant. One year, while sitting there, we just started having pagers go off like a wave throughout the restaurant (along with the three cell phones being used at the time) as we were called to a rescue that was 90 minutes away. The restaurant went from a 30 minute wait to get seated to only 1/4 full in less than 2 minutes as orders were cancelled, whatever food was already prepared was tossed in doggie bags and paid for on the waay out the door. It was classic.

In regards to what people did before cellphones, we left phone numbers for the restaurants/etc. that we were going to be at. Also, response time for these things has dramatically gone down and is expected to stay down.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 1999
Lets be 100% honest here - the f@#king ar$eholes that pi$$ us off in the cinema etc are not stopping the country from a national emergency or saving lives - they are just BEING IGNORANT towards other people.

If only these idiots had a valid reason I'm sure we would gladly put up with it! ;)

OK! I'm off the soapbox now :)