Cease fire over. WW3 started all over again


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2002
It's just a matter of time before the US supplies Israel with the bunker busting bombs to ues on Hezbollah strongholds in southern Lebanon so as to find out how successful the US can be at striking Iranian nuclear targets.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2005
The agreement for the ceasfire is that they would only each kill each other in southern Lebanon until the UN arrived, not that the shooting would stop completely. So, fighting is still completely expected, but hopefully it will stay between military targets and not civillians.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: conehead433
It's just a matter of time before the US supplies Israel with the bunker busting bombs to ues on Hezbollah strongholds in southern Lebanon so as to find out how successful the US can be at striking Iranian nuclear targets.

Israel has bunker busting bombs.
U.S gave it to them months ago


May 1, 2006
The Cease Fire is Israel attacking Lebanon, but reserving the right to stay in Lebanon until an international force is there and to fight Hezbollah if attacked.

Hezbollah has ceased attacks on Israel and insists it will continue to attack Israeli forces inside Lebanon.

That's holding. The media is wrong to report it without the relevant facts that Hezbollah said all along that they would continue to attack IDF in Lebanon.

They have a point - would we have a cease fire where a military enemy remained in the US?


Jun 23, 2004
If Hizbollah is killing people, then that is not a cease fire I would allow to continue. They should surrender or die, not be protected by the UN as they kill more.

On the bright side, at least they can?t aim their rockets or mortars properly.


Senior member
Mar 10, 2006
They should surrender or die, not be protected by the UN as they kill more.

It seems now that many people in the comfy western soft lifestyle think we should help our enemies have a fighting chance against us and our allies.

Please don't say such stark things like what I quoted, it isn't politically correct. Terrorists have a right to self-determination and freedom of expression. :laugh:


Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
If Hizbollah is killing people, then that is not a cease fire I would allow to continue. They should surrender or die, not be protected by the UN as they kill more.

On the bright side, at least they can?t aim their rockets or mortars properly.

Israeli soldiers started off the ceasefire by killing 6 or 7 people, whom they claim are Hezbollah fighters. Of course no one is allowed to try and verify that, because it wouldn't look good if some or all turn out to be civilians instead.


May 1, 2006
"If Hizbollah is killing people, then that is not a cease fire I would allow to continue. They should surrender or die, not be protected by the UN as they kill more.

On the bright side, at least they can?t aim their rockets or mortars properly."

Ya, who does Hezbollah think they are attacking Israeli forces who are inside Lebanon and refuse to leave, even though they said they will not tolerate any presence inside Lebanon, and will attack them.

As for their surrendering or getting killed, how about Israel leave Lebanon and that will end the attacks, and then they can negotiate for peace. You are mistaken in claiming that the UN is protecting Hezbollah forces.

You do understand that they were aiming the rockets inside Lebanon, not at Israel.

Their aim can't match the Israeli jets aided by top US military satellite info, but they've done damage.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
Originally posted by: Craig234
Ya, who does Hezbollah think they are attacking Israeli forces who are inside Lebanon and refuse to leave, even though they said they will not tolerate any presence inside Lebanon, and will attack them.

There's Truth, then there is personal opinion.
Truth is that we're slowly pulling back more and more forces back to Israel and my friends (who serve in the reserve forces) are coming back.

Is this a part of the idea that Israelis are all-powerful gods that can also retreat in less than a second?


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Israeli soldiers started off the ceasefire by killing 6 or 7 people, whom they claim are Hezbollah fighters. Of course no one is allowed to try and verify that, because it wouldn't look good if some or all turn out to be civilians instead.
How the fvck do you tell the difference? No uniforms, so what do you do, take Hesy's word for it that ain't their guys? :confused: Of course children are a different matter, but if it is adults, there is no way to know for certain if they were civies or not.



Jul 27, 2006
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
If Hizbollah is killing people, then that is not a cease fire I would allow to continue. They should surrender or die, not be protected by the UN as they kill more.

On the bright side, at least they can?t aim their rockets or mortars properly.

Israeli soldiers started off the ceasefire by killing 6 or 7 people, whom they claim are Hezbollah fighters. Of course no one is allowed to try and verify that, because it wouldn't look good if some or all turn out to be civilians instead.

What you failed to mention was that even though a cease fire had been agreed to. All parties understood that until UN Peacekeeping troops were deployed to all areas there wouls still be some fighting going on!
Both sides agreed that the civilian casualties would stop.
yet with that said-- How do you know 100% that those people people killed were civilians and NOT Hezbollah troops hiding dressed as civilians?
We don`t!! You can`t!!
There is a huge difference between Hezbollah troops and the killing of women and children.
So plz stop the constant one upsmanship until all the UN troops have arrived and been deployed. thx :D


Platinum Member
Dec 27, 2003
I'm starting to get more than a little worried that my unit may get deployed as a UN peacekeeping force over there. If we do, a lot of us are coming home in bodybags, at least with the RETARDED self-defence rules that the UN have set up. Call up HQ for permission to fire, OK, gotcha.


May 1, 2006
Horus, sorry that you chose to let the government get control over you to order you to kill other people, taking the moral decision away from you.

Had you not done that, you would not face any risky deployment, either.

I do not suggest anyone volunteer for the military unless there is a clear and visible danger of the sort we have not seen since WWII.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Craig234
Horus, sorry that you chose to let the government get control over you to order you to kill other people, taking the moral decision away from you.

Had you not done that, you would not face any risky deployment, either.

I do not suggest anyone volunteer for the military unless there is a clear and visible danger of the sort we have not seen since WWII.

It is the strengh of a military that usually averts the clear & visibile danger.

What do you think kept Europe form speaking Russian after WWII.

All those South Korean autos and electronics. Would they have been made in NK without a deterent.



Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Israeli soldiers started off the ceasefire by killing 6 or 7 people, whom they claim are Hezbollah fighters. Of course no one is allowed to try and verify that, because it wouldn't look good if some or all turn out to be civilians instead.
How the fvck do you tell the difference? No uniforms, so what do you do, take Hesy's word for it that ain't their guys? :confused: Of course children are a different matter, but if it is adults, there is no way to know for certain if they were civies or not.

Heh, I am sure Israelis can tell us the difference. If not, it just goes to show you they are killing people regardless if they are Hezbollah or not.


May 1, 2006
It is the strengh of a military that usually averts the clear & visibile danger.

What do you think kept Europe form speaking Russian after WWII.

All those South Korean autos and electronics. Would they have been made in NK without a deterent.

Sometimes, war is needed. Other times, a strong military can serve the purpose of evil.

Here's how the most decorated Marine in history at the time, General Smedley Butler, described his years:

?I helped make Mexico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.? Butler acknowledged that he?d spent most of his 33 years in the Marines as ?a high class muscle man for Big Business, Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.?

You can read more of his summary here:


The bottom line is that the decision whether to kill someone is right or wrong lies with each individual, and giving that decision up to the government is a danger.

I see little reason for anyone to do so in the current environment unless there's a strong commitment to disobey orders to go to war against those who don't need to be killed.

Meaning a willingness to go to jail. Few troops have that willingness now. Most are just throwing away their personal responsibility and letting the government decide.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
When you join the sevice, you are committing to follow orders.

Do not join if you are unable to do so.


May 1, 2006
Agreed, and I suggest that no few join in the absence of a clear and present danger, of the sort Hitler posed, because you can not protect your morality well if you do.

An excessive military causes excessive unjustified war.

Those who support the virtually unlimited growth in military strength are unwittingly supporting the future unjustified killings, and eventually tyranny, which will result.

Question: our founding fathers felt that the citizens, in well-regulated militias, having the right to bear arms to resist government opression was critical.

What's the difference between one where the military is so powerful the citizens cannot begin to resist it, and one where the citizens were banned from having arms at all?

You may not be affected yet, but innocent people in nations around the world are suffering under tyranny; some from other nations, such as the Tibetans from the Chinese; others from America, such as the citizens of Nicaragua when they dared have the Sandanistas in power and we attacked the people with terrorism by setting up the contras.

We need to make a lot more effort to learn how to set up peaceful, democratic states and reduce the sizes of militaries globally, which end up used for selfish purposes constantly.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: rchiu
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Israeli soldiers started off the ceasefire by killing 6 or 7 people, whom they claim are Hezbollah fighters. Of course no one is allowed to try and verify that, because it wouldn't look good if some or all turn out to be civilians instead.
How the fvck do you tell the difference? No uniforms, so what do you do, take Hesy's word for it that ain't their guys? :confused: Of course children are a different matter, but if it is adults, there is no way to know for certain if they were civies or not.

Heh, I am sure Israelis can tell us the difference. If not, it just goes to show you they are killing people regardless if they are Hezbollah or not.
Perhaps you are more certain than the Israelis are ;) I've seen many quotes by U.S. troops that mention how incredibly difficult it is to tell who the bad guys are. Then there is the fact that they practically use civilians as human shields, to compound the problem. It's Hogan's Alley, but it ain't paper targets and a lower score that results from a mis I.D. or itchy trigger finger.