My neighbor has a pretty impressive A/V setup, and because they really love music, I'm thinking of shelling out for a SACD or DVD-A player for them. They're using:
Fujitsu 63" plasma
Denon AVR-2807 receiver
(2) Definitive Technology Mythos One Fronts
(1) Definitive Technology Mythos Three Center
(2) Definitive Technology Mythos Gems Surround
(1) Definitive Technology SuperCube II Sub
Right now, they have no audio player connected there, but there is a DVD player which of course can be used for CD's. Now, this is in the basement, so this wouldn't be a primary listening room...they have Sonos upstairs for regular listening (they throw a lot of parties, so they love the Sonos all around the first floor).
However, the owner of the house loves turning up his favorite classical symphonies really loud and getting absorbed by the music. Right now, their top floor has surround Bose (yeah, I know
), speakers, which he actually likes for his music, but I'm sure that the Def Techs that he has set up in the basement would blow them away. He used to have a Bose Lifestyle connected to the plasma, but we just set him up with his new speakers, and he was floored. I'm sure that with the right source, he'll forget about his room upstairs with the Bose speakers, and come downstairs to listen to his classical music and get "absorbed."
Anyways, which is better, SACD or DVD-A? I've heard that SACD has a bigger selection, but that it's very proprietary. I'm not really sure how that effects these guys, as they def. wouldn't be copying music or anything, just plain listening. Any difference in sound quality? Selection? We're talking mainly classical music here, but world/international music would be nice too.
Do we want to use Analog 5.1 or optical/coaxial? I'm thinking Analog 5.1, because AFAIK SACD won't do 5.1 through optical, but I could be wrong. Either way, I heard analog is the way to go, but I'm just double-checking.
Any suggestions would be welcomed
Fujitsu 63" plasma
Denon AVR-2807 receiver
(2) Definitive Technology Mythos One Fronts
(1) Definitive Technology Mythos Three Center
(2) Definitive Technology Mythos Gems Surround
(1) Definitive Technology SuperCube II Sub
Right now, they have no audio player connected there, but there is a DVD player which of course can be used for CD's. Now, this is in the basement, so this wouldn't be a primary listening room...they have Sonos upstairs for regular listening (they throw a lot of parties, so they love the Sonos all around the first floor).
However, the owner of the house loves turning up his favorite classical symphonies really loud and getting absorbed by the music. Right now, their top floor has surround Bose (yeah, I know
Anyways, which is better, SACD or DVD-A? I've heard that SACD has a bigger selection, but that it's very proprietary. I'm not really sure how that effects these guys, as they def. wouldn't be copying music or anything, just plain listening. Any difference in sound quality? Selection? We're talking mainly classical music here, but world/international music would be nice too.
Do we want to use Analog 5.1 or optical/coaxial? I'm thinking Analog 5.1, because AFAIK SACD won't do 5.1 through optical, but I could be wrong. Either way, I heard analog is the way to go, but I'm just double-checking.
Any suggestions would be welcomed