Case Airflow Question and/or Problem- Advice requested


Senior member
Apr 12, 2000
Ok I need advice from any cooling experts out there :)

I have an Alpha 8045 cooling an XP 1900 and in the instruction sheet it has the fan pointed in such a way that the air flows up from the cpu and not down onto the cpu. I have seen this before in the alpha line but I have one problem.

On top of my heatsink/fan I have a cage thats attached to my case with another 80 case fan with the air-flow pointed down towards the cpu. Its not a hole in the case with a fan attached, just a cage inside the case with a fan with airflow pointed down. This was a modded Addtronics case made by Jim H about 15 months ago.

My question is wouldn't this cancel out the benefits of having the fan on the heatsink that directs the airflow away from the CPU?

Should I either remove the case fan that points down on the CPU, or reverse its flow which would point the air at the wall of the case (dont see how that could do anything)

Or should I turn the fan on the Alpha around so it points down onto the cpu and in so doing then have 2 fans with airflow heading at the CPU.

What do you think?


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2001
it looks like either way you point the hsf, the fan above the cpu is not going to help much. if the hsf is sucking air, definitely remove the other fan. if it's blowing, i don't see how the other fan can help the cooling of the cpu. you can experiment and see what temps you get with each configuration but i would remove the other fan.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
either reverse the fan or remove it, or try the heatsink with the fan oriented to blow air onto the heatsink. Some people do get better results with the 8045 if the fan is blowing air into the pins.