ok, so me and my friend are coming home from the movies and we see a Navigator is a goldish/yellow plastic thing covering the license plate. What's it for? Is it so that the cops can't see your license plate??
They're meant to defeat red light cameras. They also make it impossible to read the plate at any reasonable distance, especially at night, and therefore they're illegal in pretty much every state.
I think some people also think they look good, but those people ought to consider washing them once in a while.
Smoked plates are illegal in this state, but I still see a lot of them. You can make out the plate from more than 10 or 20 feet back in broad daylight, it's a joke.
Ive seen also that they make this spray stuff that you spray on your plates that reflects the camera flash, but you cant tell by looking that its treated.
Originally posted by: oneshot47
Ive seen also that they make this spray stuff that you spray on your plates that reflects the camera flash, but you cant tell by looking that its treated.
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