I have been using comcast.net for about 3 years now(used to be @home) and over the past year or so my service has gotten very bad. My downloads are still solid, but I have essentially no upload. Right now I have 2 computers running on comcast. I have them networked and my XP box is running ICS. Now when i go to upload anything, it just wont go. I cant send email attachments, I cant send files on AIM...infact, even submitting forms takes forever. Now these problems exist on both machines, but I had them before i started using ICS, so Im hesitent to blame it on that. I called comcast and they gave me all this crap about power output on my blah blah blah head end being low, and asked me to wait a few days. That was a month ago and the problem is no better. I just havent had time to call them back and sit on hold forever. I mean, I pay almost $50 a month and I want a service that works. Im not looking to run an FTP server, but if I want to IM an mp3 to a friend i should have enough speed to do that in a resonable amount of time(not the 19000 minute estimate that AIM gives me). I cant even upload files to my web space from comcast through their portal. Im basically posting and hoping to get some idea or ammunition for when I call them again...because I want results.