Can't OC my XP2000+ FSB?


Mar 10, 2001
Hey everyone...

At a local computer show recently, I bought these parts:

- MSI KT4 Ultra-SR
- 512MB OCZ PC-2700
- AMD XP 2000+ (AGOIA)
- Volcano 7+

I put these in my existing Antec SX830 case (with only 300W PS unfortunately). Well, for the most part it's fairly stable (with Windows XP). On occasion, I'll get a blue screen, but it's rare. This is at default speeds (133Mhz FSB), and my memory timings are set to 2-2-5-2 (as the OCZ is advertised to be capable of).

Now, when I OC my FSB to 166Mhz, the system won't even POST. When I OC to 145Mhz, the computer boots, but will blue screen frequently.

Is my 300W PS the issue? Is there something else I'm overlooking? This is my first OC attempt... I don't need to unlock the CPU do I?

Thanks for any help!!


Senior member
Aug 26, 2002
If ya want to reach ~166MHz (333MHz quad-pumped) FSB, you will have to lower your cpu multiplier. But to do that you will have to unlock your cpu's multiplier as it is factory locked. In any case, ya won't be able to get much higher than 1.8GHz, anything extreme would cause your cpu to run dangerously hot.


Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2001
You will need to lower your cpu multiplier and increase your FSB.

I may be mistaken but the XP2000+ runs at a 12.5 multiplier so

12.5 X 166 = 2ghz~
12.5 X 145 = 1.8ghz~

I am currently running a Xp2000+ @ 2200+. 180FSB with a multiplier of 10, vcore 1.8v. @ 1.81ghz. Full load temps are 45C