Can't install Handspring Visor USB Cradle in Win2K. (Fixed, thanks to Eug!)


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
I've been spending the last two days rebuilding my system after Win98 FUBARed itself (I'm sure I helped:eek:) and I leapt to my Win2K partition. (Praise Allah for dual-boot!)

Unfortunately, when I try to HoySynch, it goes thru the Detecting New Hardware stuff and this gives this error screen. WTF?!?

I've removed the device with Add/Remove Hardware, I've run the Handspring USBRegClean utility and downloaded the latest Palm Desktop package.

A check thru Deja shows that there was a problem with no Win2K drivers earlierthis year, but I guess they were finally released and the error seems to be about something else.

I'd appreciate any assistance you all may be able to provide. Thanks!:)


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
On a hunch, I tried the Add Hardware Wizard and in the list of stuff to pick from, it had Handspring Visor. When I tried to install it, it said that a file (VisorUsb.sys) was missing from the location it was supposed to be in. I searched for and found the file, but when I had it install, it BSODed and rebooted.

On the possibility it was an outdated file, I did the install of the new Palm Desktop SW and even though I couldn't synch (as the instructions said - I HATE IT when following the instructions is the problem!), I completed the install. The new file was in the right place. w00t? Nope.

Even though it shows as being installed now, when I try to Hot Synch, it pops up the same disconnect box and error as linked above.

Now, I'm getting annoyed!:|


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
Already got the files from Handspring (as stated in first post). Thanks for the forum link. I'll check it out after I get a nap. (Been up until 6:30am and 5:30 am the last two night. Ugh.)


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
Thanks, Eug!:) Those forums had this thread which gave steps that fixed the problem.

  1. Go to Add/Remove Programs and remove Palm Desktop
  2. Go to Add/Remove Hardware Wizard. Choose "Uninstall/unplug a device" and "Uninstall a device." Make sure you check "Show hidden devices." Find any items that say Handspring, as in "Handspring USB" or "Handspring Device" or anything that just says "USB Device" and uninstall them. You may have to go through the wizard multiple times to remove them all. (I had to remove 4 items.)
  3. Run the VisorUSBRegClean.exe utility.
  4. Unplug the cradle.
  5. Restart the computer.
  6. Reinstall the desktop software. When it gets to the point where it asks you to HotSync, plug the cradle in and attempt to synchronize.

You da man!:D