I've been spending the last two days rebuilding my system after Win98 FUBARed itself (I'm sure I helped
) and I leapt to my Win2K partition. (Praise Allah for dual-boot!)
Unfortunately, when I try to HoySynch, it goes thru the Detecting New Hardware stuff and this gives this error screen. WTF?!?
I've removed the device with Add/Remove Hardware, I've run the Handspring USBRegClean utility and downloaded the latest Palm Desktop package.
A check thru Deja shows that there was a problem with no Win2K drivers earlierthis year, but I guess they were finally released and the error seems to be about something else.
I'd appreciate any assistance you all may be able to provide. Thanks!
Unfortunately, when I try to HoySynch, it goes thru the Detecting New Hardware stuff and this gives this error screen. WTF?!?
I've removed the device with Add/Remove Hardware, I've run the Handspring USBRegClean utility and downloaded the latest Palm Desktop package.
A check thru Deja shows that there was a problem with no Win2K drivers earlierthis year, but I guess they were finally released and the error seems to be about something else.
I'd appreciate any assistance you all may be able to provide. Thanks!