Can't get my SB Live Value to work


Junior Member
Dec 21, 2000
I can't get my SB Live Value to work with Win95B.
The driver seems to be installed fine but the device
properties say that it is disabled in Hardware. What does that mean and how do I change it. There was an I/O conflict with the DMA controller but I changed the address to something which didn't appear to conflict. Still no sound. Help.


Dec 15, 2000
You may have an unresolved IRQ conflict as well. Try removing it (both physically and in software) and put it in a different PCI slot. Look on your mobo site for IRQ addresses tied to specific PCI slots, and put it in one that isn't dedicated. Reboot and see if windows will give it an IRQ. You should be able to check IRQ allocation in Device manager as well which will tell you if there is a sharing problem.


Junior Member
Dec 21, 2000
Thanks for the input. I'm almost positive it is an IRQ problem. I tried switching the pci slot but it didn't work. Don't the SB cards usually use IRQ 5? When I check in device manager nothing is listed for IRQ5. In fact it isn't even listed. It goes 4 then 6 no 5 listing.
But how do I set the cards IRQ, there doesn't seem to be any jumpers.
I'll check on the ASUS and VIA sites. I have a P3V4X boards. Thanks.


Dec 15, 2000
You can't set the IRQ on the plug and play cards anymore. They depend on the OS to assign the proper interrupt and memory address. Couple more things to try are to take everything out except your video card and then put the SB in different slots until one works. Another issue to resolve is to be sure you loaded any motherboard drivers that may have come on a CD with your board. Also, be sure you have downloaded and installed the latest VIA 4 in 1 drivers from their site. Finally, if none of this helps, go into BIOS when you first boot and check to see if it is set to PnP OS. Whichever it is set to, try the other, in other words if it is currently set to PnP OS, try letting the Mobo assign interrupts, and vice versa. And of course, do all this at default settings without overclocking until you get things squared away. Best.


Junior Member
Dec 21, 2000
Thanks again. I have Via's 4 in 1 drivers version 4.25 installed. I'll try checking the bios settings. I was hoping to avoid tearing the thing apart again. It was in pieces all last weekend. There is no way to tell Win95 that the card is there? By the way the joystick port seems to work just fine. This motherboard upgrade has been one maor pain. I should have stuck with my P2B and AWE64. And by the way, I would just upgrade to Win98SE but under Win98SE I can't get my modem to work faster than 38600 and when I try to plan MechWarrior3 the game refuses to recognized my joystick. It works under control panel just not in the game. Bill Gates' OS sucks. Thanks.