Guys, I've been looking for a a simple LCD temperature sensor with alarm. I thought I found some, but these don't work, and I wasted my money and time building a PC around them!
Even if you could figure out how to "program" it, it loses the settings when you power down! I noticed this when I changed °C to F, and when I cut power and powered one back up, it was back to C. Plus, there's only ONE temp reading, not two, and "T1" shows about ~150° at all times! I asked the company about this, and no reply yet. The text description of the item is obviously very misleading. If they don't reply I'll just get my CC company to get my $ back, but that still leaves me with no product.
A bit more info and background as to why, in case anyone asks:
I do not want a 3.5" or 5.25" device that must consume a bay. I need to be just like what's at that link. Since there's only a couple internal or external HD enclosures that have the SENSE to have temp sensors WITH AN ALARM, I'm having to locate these stand-alone sensors with alarms. I plan to put these on the outside of my main PC case, and on the outside of the external enclosures I use. I already have a DigiDoc 5 in my main PC, but it's pointless to use something like that to monitor only ONE temperature, plus it of course requires a drive bay.
Right off hand, the only units I can think of that have a temp sensor WITH AN ALARM is Cremax, and they suck. I have two of their units, both of which died. Their "aluminum coffin" IcyDock line, , are terrible coolers since they only have the one tiny 40mm fan at the rear. The other one I have is the BodyGuard 525, , which I thought would be great for all drives, however what they don't tell you is one of the two fans is redundant and only comes on if the other fails. I wired them both together to have them both on always, and oddly enough that didn't lower the temps any. Larger or thicker fans can't be used due to the way they designed the enclosure. (BTW & FWIW.....Yes, problems with it started before I wired the two fans together--it always beeps when I start my PC. The other one is no longer recognized in the BIOS or Windows).
There's another generic enclosure usually called "ATN-999", , which looks like the Cremax aluminum coffin line, but with a larger fan in the BOTTOM of the enclosure. Although better than the Cremax at cooling, it still appears to not have enough cooling since the fan is still small with low CFM. The other problem with these is every "opinions" type sites or review sites all say the fans fail in these on a regular basis. Although I used one of these in my Dad's PC and it still works after about a year, I'm not going to trust those fans. They are of course special proprietary fans by "Comax" with no model #, of which I can't find the company or anyone else that makes these types of fans.
So, all this lead me to find another type of HD cooler. All the ones with great cooling have no temp sensor and alarm:
Since I couldn't find anyone that sells the Hermannator, I got some of the ones at the first link ($10 is a steal for these). As you can see, both have great large heatsinks, PLUS high CFM fans! Fantastic cooling, but, no temp sensor. Hence my apparent futile quest for a small stand alone temperature sensor with alarm. :disgust: :frown:
I'm also open to any suggestions for HD enclosures like those at the last two links, but with temp alarms......if they exist.
I appreciate any info.
Thanks guys.
Even if you could figure out how to "program" it, it loses the settings when you power down! I noticed this when I changed °C to F, and when I cut power and powered one back up, it was back to C. Plus, there's only ONE temp reading, not two, and "T1" shows about ~150° at all times! I asked the company about this, and no reply yet. The text description of the item is obviously very misleading. If they don't reply I'll just get my CC company to get my $ back, but that still leaves me with no product.
A bit more info and background as to why, in case anyone asks:
I do not want a 3.5" or 5.25" device that must consume a bay. I need to be just like what's at that link. Since there's only a couple internal or external HD enclosures that have the SENSE to have temp sensors WITH AN ALARM, I'm having to locate these stand-alone sensors with alarms. I plan to put these on the outside of my main PC case, and on the outside of the external enclosures I use. I already have a DigiDoc 5 in my main PC, but it's pointless to use something like that to monitor only ONE temperature, plus it of course requires a drive bay.
Right off hand, the only units I can think of that have a temp sensor WITH AN ALARM is Cremax, and they suck. I have two of their units, both of which died. Their "aluminum coffin" IcyDock line, , are terrible coolers since they only have the one tiny 40mm fan at the rear. The other one I have is the BodyGuard 525, , which I thought would be great for all drives, however what they don't tell you is one of the two fans is redundant and only comes on if the other fails. I wired them both together to have them both on always, and oddly enough that didn't lower the temps any. Larger or thicker fans can't be used due to the way they designed the enclosure. (BTW & FWIW.....Yes, problems with it started before I wired the two fans together--it always beeps when I start my PC. The other one is no longer recognized in the BIOS or Windows).
There's another generic enclosure usually called "ATN-999", , which looks like the Cremax aluminum coffin line, but with a larger fan in the BOTTOM of the enclosure. Although better than the Cremax at cooling, it still appears to not have enough cooling since the fan is still small with low CFM. The other problem with these is every "opinions" type sites or review sites all say the fans fail in these on a regular basis. Although I used one of these in my Dad's PC and it still works after about a year, I'm not going to trust those fans. They are of course special proprietary fans by "Comax" with no model #, of which I can't find the company or anyone else that makes these types of fans.
So, all this lead me to find another type of HD cooler. All the ones with great cooling have no temp sensor and alarm:
Since I couldn't find anyone that sells the Hermannator, I got some of the ones at the first link ($10 is a steal for these). As you can see, both have great large heatsinks, PLUS high CFM fans! Fantastic cooling, but, no temp sensor. Hence my apparent futile quest for a small stand alone temperature sensor with alarm. :disgust: :frown:
I'm also open to any suggestions for HD enclosures like those at the last two links, but with temp alarms......if they exist.
I appreciate any info.
Thanks guys.