Can't adjust my monitor refresh rate!


Senior member
Apr 26, 2000
I have an HP M90 19" monitor and I don't believe there are any drivers for this thing! My video card is the Elsa Gladiac GeForce2 GTS 32meg and I should be able to get to 85hz or so at 1024x768 but the monitor registers as Unknown Monitor in Windows '98. Right now I am currently at 60hz. I looked for drivers on the HP site and found a download but I don't think it's a driver. Maybe I should go to the Microsoft site for updated monitor drivers?

All help is appreciated :)


Senior member
Apr 26, 2000
That's the download I found. I think I tried it already. This is the description on the site for this download:

Why do you need it?
The newest release of the HP Pavilion MONITORH.INF file is available for download from the Hewlett-Packard Web site. This release now supports all HP Pavilion Monitors. This file installs the latest monitor information files, as well as, the Windows 98 color calibration files. This revision is for all HP Pavilions.
NOTE: This file resolves an issue on Asia Pacific and Traditional Chinese builds that required the system to be rebooted after the monitor's resolution was changed to 640 x 800. The video adapter had to be removed from Device Manager, and the computer rebooted to recover additional resolutions.

Does it say in there somewhere that I will then be able to tweak my refresh rate?


Mar 9, 2001
According to the instructions, running the executable and following the instructions will install the drivers. That is the only one I found related to your monitor. After installing, you should be able to adjust the rate. I will try to find you something else. :)


Golden Member
Dec 12, 2000
There are two things that pop right to the top of my head.

One: Do you have the drivers for the video card installed? That would prevent you from changing the refresh rate.

Two: Try clicking on the button that says "hide refresh rates that tis monitor cannot use" (or somthing like that). Then set it at whatever rate you would like.

Three: If those two ideas don't work, then go into device manager, and select the unknown monitor. Click on the update drivers button, and go to the "select drivers from list" option. Find either play and play monitor, or one of the other generic drivers that you think might work. (plug and play monitor should work fine). After installing the drivers, you should be able to change the refresh rate.

Ok, so I had three ideas....... If none of those suggestions work, then try going to, I recall seeing a question similar to that......


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2000
I had a similar prob with my Iiyama monitor and Windows 2000 pro....

I have drivers for monitor installed, but every time I update my vid card drivers, it switched back to "default monitor". In order to update these drivers I have to:

Go into display drivers and
"update driver"
"Display a list of kniwn drivers for this device....."
"have disk"
"browse" Browse to folder with correct driver and choose "open"
Choose correct monitor from list.
That's it.

If I try just updating driver, it will tell me "a sutable driver is already installed"....and even if I select "use other driver" it will only give me "Pnp monitor" and "Default monitor".

My wink2k latop at work does same thing, but adds "LCD Display" to the list....

Hope this helps...


Big Lar

Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
There is no actual "Driver" for the Monitor, it's the .inf file thats needed is all, DL that, unzip it to a folder, then boot into safe mode, Go into Device Manager, Remove any instances of a monitor there. Reboot to windows, Windows should either give you a Default monitor, or find yours, if it finds yours, Point windows to the folder with the .inf file in it, that done, reboot if neccesary, then Right clik your desktop, clik Properties, Then in the open window clik settings, then advanced on the bottom, then Monitor. There should be 2 boxes checked in there, uncheck them/ then clik apply. Clik ok, then ok/ accept the reboot, when back in windows, right clik desktop/ settings/ advanced/ clik Adapter, Now you should be able to adjust your refresh rate to what the card allows. If that dosn't work... go visit Hope this helps.


Senior member
Apr 26, 2000
Thanks for all the help! Right now my pc sees the monitor as a laptop display :confused:. My video card is installed properly. That's the only place where I have the option to change the refresh rates. When I try, I think it says basically that it can't tell what the monitor is capable of so I must install newer drivers. I don't believe this monitor came with any kind of disks.


Senior member
Apr 26, 2000
Ok, I messed around some more and was able to do it. I chose plug and play monitor and somehow I stumbled across where I can type in the min and max horizontal and vertical rates. I'm at 1024x768 at 85hz. Thanks guys for your help!