Canon Powershot SX70 HS


Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2002
I did not know Canon Powershot SX70 HS was released few years ago! I guess I was too busy a lot and no time for me to use my trusty Powershot SX50 HS! Anyway has anyone own SX70 HS? How was it? Any good? I noticed digital zoom still at 65X just like SX60 HS that's a major disappointed! I was hoping for 70+ digital zoom! Nikon P900 still the king at 100X!!


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
I have both the SX50 and the P900.

Honestly, the complicated menu, bulk and fragility of P900 do not make up for quality, ease of operation and overall experience. Yes, the 85x zoom is great, but it comes at a big price in terms of overall nimbleness. It feels as if you have a digital telescope with a digital camera attached to it. You can't take photos while filming on the P900, and the video is really poor.

Both cameras do equally well (I mean bad!) with ISO higher than 800.

The P1000 is a even larger than the P900 in order to get that 100x.
I don't expect enything else has improved.

TLDR: All things considered, if you see the SX70 and P900 at the same price, get the Canon.
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