As post inside this thread about the sale of current week in staples B&M
and a good list of post from FW
I am surprised that none post a new thread for this good deal. I think it should have its own thread.
good review of A10 (thanks RossMan)
Here's the detail:
In this week staples Ads (can check
instorestaples) there is the A10 digital camera for $199 - 70 MIR.
search for the printable staples from link before (from link on FW or other search engine), there is a $30 off $150.
so it can be done at about $100 + tax ($110 at NJ)
But, wait there is a local NJ shop
for $159.
PM (staples have 110% PM, but may add shipping.) and apply coupon (if they let you)
So total can be somewhere between 50 - 70 depend on tax.
I went to a local staples Wed night, the CSR said they do not PM. I bought one total $110 with tax (AR).
I am not happy with the result. And the camera LCD's protective screen is peel off, the camera is not put back into the bubble wrap! Although the battery is unopened. Looks like it was tested. Give it another try.
Go to another staples after work at thursday and PM and use coupon (first CSR talk with manger and said after PM $164... may be they add shipping or anything... ok whatever. I would walk out if they do not accept the coupon. It was passed to the cashier stuff for ring up. Then i pull out the printed email coupon. Good!)
So my total will be around $68 with tax and rebate.
I will return the old one. This is for a friend but i will charge her something for all my leg work.

and a good list of post from FW
I am surprised that none post a new thread for this good deal. I think it should have its own thread.
good review of A10 (thanks RossMan)
Here's the detail:
In this week staples Ads (can check
instorestaples) there is the A10 digital camera for $199 - 70 MIR.
search for the printable staples from link before (from link on FW or other search engine), there is a $30 off $150.
so it can be done at about $100 + tax ($110 at NJ)
But, wait there is a local NJ shop
for $159.
PM (staples have 110% PM, but may add shipping.) and apply coupon (if they let you)
So total can be somewhere between 50 - 70 depend on tax.
I went to a local staples Wed night, the CSR said they do not PM. I bought one total $110 with tax (AR).
I am not happy with the result. And the camera LCD's protective screen is peel off, the camera is not put back into the bubble wrap! Although the battery is unopened. Looks like it was tested. Give it another try.
Go to another staples after work at thursday and PM and use coupon (first CSR talk with manger and said after PM $164... may be they add shipping or anything... ok whatever. I would walk out if they do not accept the coupon. It was passed to the cashier stuff for ring up. Then i pull out the printed email coupon. Good!)
So my total will be around $68 with tax and rebate.
I will return the old one. This is for a friend but i will charge her something for all my leg work.