Canon A10 1.3M 3Xoptical (+ 2Xdigit) zoom digital camera at staples B&M (East coast?) end 5/11 as low as $69. AR and PM


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2001
As post inside this thread about the sale of current week in staples B&M
and a good list of post from FW
I am surprised that none post a new thread for this good deal. I think it should have its own thread.
good review of A10 (thanks RossMan)

Here's the detail:
In this week staples Ads (can check
instorestaples) there is the A10 digital camera for $199 - 70 MIR.
search for the printable staples from link before (from link on FW or other search engine), there is a $30 off $150.

so it can be done at about $100 + tax ($110 at NJ)
But, wait there is a local NJ shop
for $159.
PM (staples have 110% PM, but may add shipping.) and apply coupon (if they let you)

So total can be somewhere between 50 - 70 depend on tax.

I went to a local staples Wed night, the CSR said they do not PM. I bought one total $110 with tax (AR).
I am not happy with the result. And the camera LCD's protective screen is peel off, the camera is not put back into the bubble wrap! Although the battery is unopened. Looks like it was tested. Give it another try.
Go to another staples after work at thursday and PM and use coupon (first CSR talk with manger and said after PM $164... may be they add shipping or anything... ok whatever. I would walk out if they do not accept the coupon. It was passed to the cashier stuff for ring up. Then i pull out the printed email coupon. Good!)
So my total will be around $68 with tax and rebate.

I will return the old one. This is for a friend but i will charge her something for all my leg work.


Senior member
Aug 1, 2001
I've already bought 2 from 2 diff staples both last one in stock for me and my friend. Both i was able to do pm and coupon. But almost all staples are sold out of it.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2001
I am surprised that two of the staples i went had it. Since its sold out online long before. And the Ads said while supply last. And thats why i get the first one even i can not PM.
I may be lucky then.


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000

<< This is a far shot unless your chums with the manager. >>

Agreed. My local Staples stopped accepting printable coupons and PM'ing on the same order a long time ago.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2001


<< This is a far shot unless your chums with the manager. >>

Agreed. My local Staples stopped accepting printable coupons and PM'ing on the same order a long time ago.

Accounting to rules, yes. However, they do not train the CSR well enough. I think from what i read in FW, many ppl get this deal.
BTW, $100 for this cam is an okay deal to me. But 60 is even better.

pro: 3X optical and 2X digit zoom, USB interface, easy to operate.

good enough for a beginner/non-professional user.


Golden Member
Jul 2, 2001
Awesome deal if you can get it. $70 for this is a steal especially with optical zoom. I wish I had a Staples nearby. Good luck to those that try this.:)


Golden Member
May 14, 2001
Picked one up today. My local Staples was out of stock but they checked around and found one two towns over. The CSR actually offered to go and get it for me...and he did! When I went back to pick it up I thanked him and also asked to speak to his manager. I told her what a nice job he had done for me. He was very happy and the other workers in the store "over heard" what was going on and they seem pleased too.

The first few test shoots look GREAT! I really like the optical zoom. My previous digital camera, an Olympus D-360 (picked up from a deal I also found here at AT), only had digital zoom. Not as good.

Although I used the $30 off $150, I didn't try the PM at the store. I used my Amex Optima Platinum and will try to PM with them since BVG on this card is good until the end of the month. I'm wondering though, how will Amex deal with the $30 coupon? My out-of-pocket (and on the CC receipt) cost was $180.19 ($169.99 plus tax). In my previous experiences when using BVG, after asking how much the lower priced item was, they always ask what the TOTAL charge on the card was. In this case those figures would be $159 and $180.19 respectively. With that knowledge, I don't think they will PM $40.99 ($199.99-$159). Do you? Do you think they will PM $21.19 ($180.19-$159)? Or, do you think they will limit the PM to $10.99 ($169.99 - $159)?


Senior member
Jan 13, 2002
well they'll only match your OOP (out of pocket) ... what you should do (if you can) is go and see if you can return it and re-buy it with another item (such as staples digicam proteciton plan for $30 that extends your warranty 2 years no question asked exchange if it breaks etc) and then you can PM and get the same cash back...same $$ out of your pocket and you get that protection... i didn't think to do the same thing :(
however they may charge 15% restock on digicam....just see if they can add on the same receipt..i dunno. tell us results plz if they can do that i'll go do it too :)


Senior member
Feb 7, 2002
i started trying on wednesday to find this camera at a staples store. i called both of the stores here in minnesota, neither had it, nor would they call around. so i tried the 1-800 number, the woman was somewhat helpful, she checked like 2 stores for me out of state, but she could not do a nationwide check to see if any stores had one. this is a nationwide retail store? and they cant do a search to find me the product i want, and ship it to me? i dont even want a pm, i would be happy to get it for $100 after coupon and rebate, since dell wants $180 for it. you guys who are still finding them are lucky.


Golden Member
May 14, 2001

<< With that knowledge, I don't think they will PM $40.99 ($199.99-$159). Do you? Do you think they will PM $21.19 ($180.19-$159)? Or, do you think they will limit the PM to $10.99 ($169.99 - $159)? >>

Well, I called today and the AMEX PM will be for only $10.99. :(

But STILL a great deal at $89 (plus tax) after MIR, coupon and AMEX PM!

Thanks Isman!