Red LEDs set for low intensity don't even register through a closed eyelid.
That's one case, and likely the one you've been advocating. Not necessarily what my little back and forth is about. Since it's not with you.
I've had an alarm clock like that. It was great. Now that I have a smartphone, I fail to see the point in visibly displaying the time while I'm asleep, period. I'm also a light sleeper. The blacker my bedroom at night, the better.
I did state that my views were for me, in all caps. But people still want to tell me I'm wrong. That's their prerogative, but I won't take it happily. They can have what works for them, and I can have mine. But as soon as they tell me I can't have mine, I'm not going to just take it.
So, we can just assume that thilanliyan has been talking about a low intensity red LED this whole time if it makes you feel better.