Can you recommend me a good MP3 file manager/organizer?


Jun 28, 2000
I am curious to know what is out there too. I currently have 42 gigs (7600 songs) on one drive and I want to sort them better rather than doing it manually...


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
0 has a decent suite of apps for managing MP3s, DVDs, CDs and so forth. At present, I'm only using the Music Collector for my CDs.

For ID3 tag manipulation, I have found that Tag & Rename is one of the best out there. I'm properly cataloging my 4600 MP3s with this tool and it works great. V1 and V2 ID3 tags supported.

Once you get everything organized, I've found that MusicBox, edna, Ampache, and MP3 Server Box are very nice server apps. I can provide links if needed.



Senior member
Oct 16, 2001
I use Creative Play Center 2. I also use my Windows Explorer. If I download a track it goes straight to my "media" folder and gets sorted from there (as I get 'em).
Every artist has there own folder, inside those folders are there albums and in there are the Mp3's. If I download a track that isn't on an album it goes into a "downloads" folder under that artists name. I have a modest 8GIG of Mp3's...
Like wise, if I rip down a disc it gets automatically put into it's own folder and put into my "media" folder and then put into the artist folder. This way i have no "Floaters" just hanging about... I can't stant a disorganised HDD... Makes me mad when I see the computers I build and maintain for my friends and family... (and clients... but that makes me money so I can put up with that) in a mess of dis organised files and folders and downloaded bits and crap all over the place. But you have to laugh sometimes! ;)