Originally posted by: RossMAN
Originally posted by: armatron
Originally posted by: RossMAN
Originally posted by: Anubis
there are a large number of people here who could help you, myslef included, and most of us woudl prob do it fo free
Agreed. Send a PM to
Anubis for free web hosting assuming it's low traffic and all legal content.
PM sent
You will need a domain, so I would also PM him with the following details so he can create your web hosting account:
- Domain
- Desired username (8 or less characters, this will also be your main email address)
- Desired password
- Your contact email address (where notices go in case you exceed your bandwidth, etc.)
After he creates your account, he will PM you with his DNS name servers. You go to your domain registrar's web site and change your DNS name servers, wait 24 hours for propogation and you're good to go.