Can someone give me the rundown on these ASRock PT880 boards?


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
What is the difference between the 775Dual-VSTA, the 4CoreDual-VSTA, the 4CoreDual-SATA2, and the 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0?

I'm buying a quantity of 775Dual-VSTA boards (see hotdeals forum), and want to know if they will:
1) accept quad-core chips (or maybe only the 4core variants can?)
2) accept 45nm dual-core chips


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
I alreadly looked up the cpu support list between the 775dual-vsta and the 4coredual-vsta, thanks for the links though.

I was more interested if the Q6600 was unofficially supported. someone in one of the other threads here on AT claimed that Q6600 was supported on the 775dual-vsta since bios 2.20. At least that's BIOS support. I searched for any evidence that the vrms were changed between those board models, and didn't find anything to support that. the only thing I found was that there might have been an issue with the number of gtlref lines present on the board, and that running a quad-core on the 775dual-vsta might be less than stable.