Can I use a standard video card on a fixed frequency monitor?


Jul 3, 2001
More specifically, I have here a 21" NCD NC2185AA fixed frequency monitor and have a GF4 TI4600 in my rig. Is there a way I can get this monitor to work without buying a fixed frequency video card?

Here's info on the monitor...

Model: NC2185AA
Max Resolution: 1280 x 1024
Sync Type: Composite, Seperate
H Freq/ V Freq: 56-85khz / 60-120hz
Tube Manufacturer: hitachi
Monitor Type:
Tube Model: HM4021-D
Tube Size: 21
Connector: 5 bnc

This place has the video cards for like $100.


Moderator Emeritus Elite Member
Nov 13, 1999
It depends on the video card. Some will support a fixed frequency video display at dos level, which is where the fixed frequency video card will be advantageous. Some will not. If you plan to use it as a second monitor then the monitor would be supported after windows is loaded as long as the second monitor frequency has been set and is supported by the video card itself. I am sure you can pick up a fixed frequency PCI card at Ebay dirt cheap compared to the prices you are looking at.


Jul 3, 2001
I was actually thinking about using it as a second monitor along side my 19" with my dual output on my geforce4. I set refresh rate frequency to 60htz, pluged it up and I got about 1 second of picture (all fuzzy and flickering) before the screen went black again. At any other refresh rate I get nada.

anyways, back up, the reason I'm asking is b/c my boss's cousin got it to work with a regular video card with some drivers for the monitor.