C chechi Banned May 13, 2001 468 0 0 Feb 16, 2002 #1 Can I put a butterfly knive for sale in the for sale/trade forum? I am asking first rather than getting it locked. Thanks
Can I put a butterfly knive for sale in the for sale/trade forum? I am asking first rather than getting it locked. Thanks
J John Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member Oct 9, 1999 33,944 1 0 Feb 16, 2002 #2 Yes. Last time I checked, a knife is not a firearm.
minendo Elite Member Aug 31, 2001 35,558 20 81 Feb 16, 2002 #3 << Can I put a butterfly knive for sale in the for sale/trade forum? I am asking first rather than getting it locked. Thanks >> I dont see why not. A member just posted 300lbs of FDA approved human sh!t.
<< Can I put a butterfly knive for sale in the for sale/trade forum? I am asking first rather than getting it locked. Thanks >> I dont see why not. A member just posted 300lbs of FDA approved human sh!t.
V VTBigBear Platinum Member Jun 13, 2000 2,212 0 71 Feb 16, 2002 #4 lol looks like that dude got his thread locked .. twice
J John Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member Oct 9, 1999 33,944 1 0 Feb 16, 2002 #5 Some people are just plain stupid.
S stonecold3169 Platinum Member Jan 30, 2001 2,060 0 76 Feb 16, 2002 #6 The only problem I see is that many states have this as illigal, so you might wanna check on that before you complete a sale (I know NY is illigal)
The only problem I see is that many states have this as illigal, so you might wanna check on that before you complete a sale (I know NY is illigal)
D DaiShan Diamond Member Jul 5, 2001 9,617 1 0 Feb 16, 2002 #7 why can't we sell guns? the pawn shop you have to waid 3 days, I'm mad now...
jonnyGURU Moderator <BR> Power Supplies Moderator Oct 30, 1999 11,815 104 106 Feb 16, 2002 #8 Butterfly knife? Let me know if you can get one of those cigarette lighter/switch blades like they used to sell at the flea market.
Butterfly knife? Let me know if you can get one of those cigarette lighter/switch blades like they used to sell at the flea market.