Can I push FSB w/o pushing agp?


Junior Member
Jan 28, 2002
I am tryin to make the most of my equipment here...
I have a 1600+ and i can oc it to 1700+ w/ no probs anywhere but I'm tryin to push farther and farther but my vid card cant handle my agp bus for what i want to do. Is there any adjustment i can make to not knock the agp up?
Also what does changin you mem timings (2-2-2-5) do?
Im running a asus a7v266


Feb 19, 2001
the agp runs as a fraction of the fsb... if you have the board set to run at 133mhz fsb then the pci is running at 1/4th and the agp at 1/2. that means every 2 mhz of fsb increase you will increase the agp 1mhz

at 100mhz fsb the pci and agp are set at 1/3rd and 2/3rd respectively.... this is why everyone gets excited about boards with 1/5th and 1/6th pci ratios :) (the 1/5th would kick in at 166mhz fsb and 1/6th kick in at 200mhz fsb) that way your pci/agp stays in spec

but on your board any fsb setting over 133mhz will overclock your agp bus

as for the mem timings it wouldnt have anything to do with your agp bus, the more aggressive you have the memory the higher system performance, but... as you increase the fsb your ram may not be stable at the more aggressive settings (because the ram runs the same speed as the fsb, so if you overclock the fsb you overclock the ram)