I want to get myself a system for my car, nothing really major like I am sure some of you have, but something decent, a deck that has mp3 capabilities, I was looking at the sony cdx-m850mp deck cause it looks pretty cool with the black face... and it has mp3 capabilities. For the sub, I wanted a small one... which I bought yesterday (its an 8" kicker solobaric L7) what is a good amp to go with it? Also what speakers should I get? I was thinking a set of kicker K69 6x9's, but for the front of my car I am not sure what to get, and I am not sure if those kickers are a good choice... whats out there for rockford fosgate? I am not 100% sure on the size at the front of my car... its a 1991 vw passat... I think its a set of 5.25" speakers on the sides and at the very front a set of 4x6's. Anyone have any suggestions for what I should get? Oh and whats retail on the kicker sub I got?