Lots of bad advice and uneducated comments on this subject!
I live in Albuquerque, NM where swamp coolers are everywhere; and yes they are stupid, considering that they only work in DRY climates!
The dessert South West has a MONSOON season, where we get flooding, massive downpours and high humidity, it just so happens that monsoon season is JULY-SEPTEMBER and like everyone else in the country, that just so happens to be the hottest time of the year!
Now that I got that off of my chest, De-humidifiers are not always Electric devices and in fact the best dehumidifier for a small space is an Eva-Dry it is full of descant beads that pull moisture out of the air and when they are fully soaked you plug it in and 'heat dry' the thing, they cost $15-80.00 and work really well with swamp coolers or just to get rid of humidity!
If you have ever taken an uncomfortable ride on a city bus during the summer, the ice cold AC the bus creates is made with evaporative cooling and a descant dehumidifier, a heater dries the descant every 15 minutes or so to keep even humid regions of the country cool and dry, now you know!
For the record: they don't all use evaporative cooling, but most do, you can always tell, when you smell the heater come on (smells just like a dryer)
What you could do if your concerned about humidity in your electronics is use descant beads, you can even find them at DOLLAR TREE, just keep the container near the device or at the source of the device. The product Dollar Tree sells does not have a heater, it is meant for use in closets, campers, bathrooms or some other small place like under your car seat.
I know this post is 2 years old, but this could be useful for someone