Camp Outside School For 3 Nights -- To Get kid a Spot In Kindergarten...

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Jan 7, 2002
INCOLN (CBS13) – Dozens of parents in one Lincoln community are being forced to camp out for three nights in hopes of getting their kids into a kindergarten class. Lincoln Crossing Elementary is so impacted there only a limited amount of open spots available. Registration begins at 7 a.m. on Tuesday.
Jonathan Brose came prepared for a long night with “tent chairs and lots of water.”
So did the other parents in line with him outside the school. They’re competing for their children to get one of 105 available kindergarten seats next school year, but it’s first come, first serve.
Nick Kosmides has the coveted first spot in line, guaranteeing his daughter a spot. “She’s proud, she’s excited,” he said.
While he and the couple dozen parents after him are in good shape, parents farther back in line like Jonathan actually may not make it at all.

“I thought I had until about 4 or 5 o’ clock tonight,” he said.
Although there are 105 kindergarten seats about half of them are already taken because kindergarten students with older siblings at Lincoln Crossing are automatically guaranteed a spot. So in reality, there are only 54 kindergarten openings.
“It is frustrating when I am paying tax dollars, especially living in this community, to not be able to have my kid immediately go to this school,” Jonathan said.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
...being forced to camp out for three nights ...

that is what i call an exaggeration

that being said, they have this thing called 'internet' , its on computers, any type of lottery needed to distribute a limited number of openings should all be handled online, not by having people stand in a line, this isn't 1931 and it isn't the USSR


Nov 13, 2003
I keep hearing about these incredibly exclusive kindergartens and preschools and honestly it just doesn't make sense to me.
If you are rich enough, can't you just buy your way into Harvard or Yale like Dubya?

And if your kid is smart enough, is it really that hard to get into a good college?

I mean, I went to public school in bumblefuck Pennsylvania and I got into Penn. It wasn't that hard. I just applied.

It doesn't make any sense to me? What are these illustrious schools these kids are supposed to be getting into. It feels like they are some sort of joke.

And also, where are the groups of super genius kids at from my generation? Where are these massive brain trusts created by these super schools? Shit still seems pretty shitty to me.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2009
I keep hearing about these incredibly exclusive kindergartens and preschools and honestly it just doesn't make sense to me.

Is this the case here? Or is this due to budget restraints in the school districts? I know our school is cutting back on kindergarten teachers and eliminating full-day K, but I still don't think we need to turn away students...yet. Maybe next year though if we keep cutting.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Is this the case here? Or is this due to budget restraints in the school districts? I know our school is cutting back on kindergarten teachers and eliminating full-day K, but I still don't think we need to turn away students...yet. Maybe next year though if we keep cutting.

I suspect its a private school. from the website
Lincoln Crossing Elementary School opened to students in August of 2007. We participate in the class size reduction program with kindergarten classes housing 25-28 students, first - third grade classes housing 20-22 students, and fourth-fifth grade classes housing 30-32 students. Our current enrollment is just over 600 students. Due to the large enrollment in the Lincoln Crossing area, the school is full at all grade levels and overflowing new students to neighboring district schools. "

but who knows.

The school system is broke. Busing kids as far as some schools do is insane. Or shipping kids off to different districts for is stupid too.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2005
That happens around here for the couple of public schools that have a reputation for being good with special ed. You have to wait overnight with your special ed kid in person in order to get a spot. Imagine waiting in line forever with hundreds of special kids who are off their routine.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
I suspect its a private school. from the website
Lincoln Crossing Elementary School opened to students in August of 2007. We participate in the class size reduction program with kindergarten classes housing 25-28 students, first - third grade classes housing 20-22 students, and fourth-fifth grade classes housing 30-32 students. Our current enrollment is just over 600 students. Due to the large enrollment in the Lincoln Crossing area, the school is full at all grade levels and overflowing new students to neighboring district schools. "

but who knows.

The school system is broke. Busing kids as far as some schools do is insane. Or shipping kids off to different districts for is stupid too.

This is a public school in California, this is the home school of these children, but since it is full they must attend other school. But Lincoln, CA is a small city with multiple Elementary schools.

Edit: Thought they were sending the kids to other school districts, but looks like they are just going to other schools in the same district.
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Feb 28, 2003
That is sort of the same at some local schools here but you just register on a list. Not sure if people are chosen by lotto or what but I do know there is no camping out.
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