I was waiting for a good sale too. I'm sure it will go on sale after I buy it. I did want to check out the multiplayer aspect, so I downloaded the MP demo. Unfortunately ther were only about 5 servers. The ones I tried to join had an earlier version, so I wasn't successful. Let me know how many servers show up in the retail version. Now when I fire up the multiplayer, the bullet-cursor doesn't move, so I can't do anything. I uninstalled and reinstalled the MP demo, was able to get it to work the first time, but the next time I started it, the darn bullet-cursor wouldn't move again. I'm so afraid I'll blow $40 on the game and have it not work properly. That would make me ill. I've been dying for a good western-type FPS. I want to get it so bad. apoppin, I rarely finish games anymore. A long time ago, I use to buy a game and play it all the way through before I bought another. Now most of the games I buy, I don't finish for one reason or another. The main reason is probably because I enjoy MP so much that I don't have time to play the SP aspect. I did finish HL2 because I refused to playHL2: E1 until I completed it. Once I finished HL2, I started E1, but never finished it. I did try the overlord demo, and it was pretty cool. I really want COJ, though.