Well, maintenance and repairs come in many different difficulty levels. The most basic follow. You should be able to do all of this without a book/manual. They should be explained in your car's owner's manual, or be self-explanatory.
-Changing the air filter
-Checking the oil
-Adding washer fluid, AT fluid (if needed, sometimes complex issue)
-Changing windshield wiper blades
-Checking your tire pressure
-Adding fuel and, if needed, fuel additives.
These are all VERY basic and would require no tools (except for the ait filter, sometimes has a bolt, usually a clip though.) Good place to start.
After this is the stuff that you can do with basic tools. A manual would be helpful if you've never done it before. Ask questions before doing stuff you're unsure of, but most of these aren't too hard.
-Change your oil and oil filter. (I will say it is often cheaper, if you use regular organic oil, to take your car to a shop and have them do it, especially with a coupon. It might be a wash in money spent, but the time and possible mess makes it fun. Also, a jack and jack-stands are almost a must.) That said, it is worthwile to do it a few times, if only for the experience.
-Change your spark plugs. Not markedly difficult to do, but has some intimidation factor as you are opening up your engine. Care is needed, as are the proper socket-wrenches, gapping tool, and some knowledge of what to buy.
After this the list of things to be done to a car goes on forever. The difficulty level varies quite a bit. Maybe give it a go with the basics. Have a knowledgeable friend change your oil with you some time (hopefully they have jack/stands). A good tool set would inclue the following, people, post other things that you think would be good too:
-Socket set (metric or standard, depending on your car's make). I have both.
-Crescent wrench.
-Screwdriver set (couple sizes, Philips and flat-head).
-Allen-wrench kit.
-Hex-bit (star-shaped screwdriver bits) kit.
-Some wrags.
-Latex gloves if you want cleanup to go quicker. I don't use them but many do.
-Spark plug gapper (cheap one that does the trick costs $2 at Pep Boys, better one a good idea for serious work).
-Jack and jack-stands. Don't buy these unless you're going to get reasonably involved with your car's maintenance and repair.
-More wrags.
Good luck, questions always welcome.