Buyer Beware - Corsair HG10 N980


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010
I've been waiting for that stupid bracket to come out since it was announced. It got announced on the heels of GTX 980 Ti with a "out in August" tag line. So I got my ref Zotac end of June (waited for Fury X to launch) hoping for an early August release.

Anyways, thing finally released last week and it seems to be a botched piece of crap. Following the threads at Corsair it seems Corsair is now aware of their mistake. I'm not sure what they'll do to fix it (issue new units? A recall?) but it's tied to the screws provided being wrong or some non-sense.

Glad I went with the EVGA Hyrbid Kit a week before the Corsair H10 N980 launched. I was having buyers regret since I really wanted to sport an all Corsair build (yes Corsair fanboy), but glad I dodged that bullet.

Anyways, buyer beware, until Corsair puts out a fixed version stay away.

People who tried to use it are reporting:
-GPU Board bending/bowing/warping
-Bad contact of any HXX Corsair AIO and the GPU
-Idle temps >30C, load temps >80C
-Shoddy build, many broke the stands on it requiring them to do an RMA