I went with amazon instead. I could've gotten my MBP at Apple, but it was less hassle for me to go through Amazon. I paid $1159.30 with 3.99 overnight shipping (Prime!) for a total of 1163.29.
I didn't want a touch and would've resold it. (Already had one, turns out I didn't use it as much as I thought I would). So, off the bat, I would've paid $1099 + $229 + tax, which would've been $1437.56 upfront. The rebate would've taken me to $1208.56, and considering I'd sell it on ebay for ~$180, I'd make another $160 after shipping and fees, bringing the total down to ~$1050.
I went with the route with less hassle. I paid $100 more, but it was worth it not having to wait for rebates and selling the iPod. So if you don't want the ipod but just want to resell it, consider amazon. If you want to keep it, well just ignore me.