Businesses: Overly polite employees are annoying!


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2002
I don't know about anyone else but I hate it when employees are overly polite, it is so damn annoying. What happened to people just behaving in a normal professional way all this fake crap is not needed. Examples;

Went to my bank yesterday and first thing that happens when I walk in the door is I am greeted by the greeter; "Hello, thank you for choosing Wells Fargo, how may we help you today"? Just making a deposit. "Oh, ok well just step over to the line here and someone will be able to assist you in a moment". Yea, no shit, only been here a few hundred times, wouldnt have been able to point out the line or the teller windows on my own.

Oh and it does not stop there, why cant tellers or people running registers just say "Next" instead of "Id be happy to help the next guest!"...WTF, Im in a fucking bank! Just say NEXT!!

Or what about when you call up a place to ask a question or place an order, why cant they just say "Thank you for calling blah blah, how can I help you"?. When I call up Olive Garden to place a take out order of pasta do they really need to answer; "Thank you for calling the Olive Garden, how may I provide you with excellent service this evening"?...ugh, you could start by being less annoying!

But, one of the worst has got to be GameStop, they push that buying/selling of used games bull shit so hard. When you call them up you get something along the lines of: "Thank you for calling gamestop where we buy and sell all your used games, this is blah how may I help you today"? Poor guy is out of breath by the time Im ready to ask him questions and thats one of the shorter lines, I cant remember all the longer ones.

I dont know, maybe there are people out there who like being treated like this, but I think its bull shit. All you need to say is "Hello, good bye, how can I help you" ect. Just the easy stuff, all this fake stuff is irritating and In my opinion it doesnt make a business look good, it makes them look like they are trying too hard.

Businesses try to hard to be polite.


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2002
Oh and I forgot about places like WalMart or Office Max where they have the greeter stand in a tapped off box on the floor. I can understand the need to have a greeter at these much larger stores, makes it easier for people to ask where things are because it can be hard to find an employee sometimes. But, is the tapped off box really necessary? Thats fucking embarrassing, it just screams "you arent allowed to move out of this box and if you do, no lunch for you!"


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2006
Originally posted by: zylander
Oh and I forgot about places like WalMart or Office Max where they have the greeter stand in a tapped off box on the floor. I can understand the need to have a greeter at these much larger stores, makes it easier for people to ask where things are because it can be hard to find an employee sometimes. But, is the tapped off box really necessary? Thats fucking embarrassing, it just screams "you arent allowed to move out of this box and if you do, no lunch for you!"

lol that made me laff.

the walmarts ive been in had the greeters collecting carts as well as greeting people, so they werent locked in the invisible tape room. they also gave stickers to the kids. i almost bet it drops the shoplifting rate having someone stand at the door as well, regardless of their ability to chase. i hate going into walmart and go there only when in dire need for something after midnite.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
I'd rather have polite employees than rude employees...

I don't' really get your complaint.

If it bothers you that much, come to Louisiana. Everyone is rude here.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2000
I hate companies that do that. Seriously. If your phone-answering-line takes more than 1 or 2 seconds, you're doing it wrong. If the hostess at a restaurant takes more than 1 or 2 seconds to deliver her "how many in your party" question, she's doing it wrong. Bank tellers, the whole bit. Every last damned one of them. STOP IT. I don't care if you're polite or rude, just be BRIEF.

I like this humor:

Stolen from

From the United gate attendant while boarding the SEA-SFO flight this morning:

?You are permitted one carry-on bag, and one personal item. If your personal item does not fit beneath the seat in front of you, this will be your first clue that it does not actually meet the definition of a ?personal item?.?

Maybe it?s just my sense of humor, but I appreciate a bit of snark in my customer service. (Rather than the mind-numbing stupidity of the average TSA checkpoint, etc.)


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Dumac
I'd rather have polite employees than rude employees...

I don't' really get your complaint.

If it bothers you that much, come to Louisiana. Everyone is rude here.

I didnt say I wanted rude employees just people behaving normally. Why say "Id be happy to help the next guest in line" when you can just say "next" or "next in line"? It sounds stupid, its annoying and it just makes them look like they are trying too hard.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: zylander
Originally posted by: Dumac
I'd rather have polite employees than rude employees...

I don't' really get your complaint.

If it bothers you that much, come to Louisiana. Everyone is rude here.

I didnt say I wanted rude employees just people behaving normally. Why say "Id be happy to help the next guest in line" when you can just say "next" or "next in line"? It sounds stupid, its annoying and it just makes them look like they are trying too hard.

Bank tellers here just say next, but not normally. They say it like they hate you for being there and would stab your eyes out with their little pen if it wasn't attached to the desk with a chain.

It kind of sounds like:


Everytime I go in there I bring my shield, bastard sword, and book of paladin spells in case I have to fight them after they change into their true, unholy form.

(Think Duke Nuk'em except I don't see tits..they just take my money and be evil)


Feb 13, 2003
They have a greeter person at the local Alltel store here that asks how's it going and what can they do. Well I don't need a fucking person to ask me what I need, I'll talk to a goddamn actual customer service employee you bitch.


Jun 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Dumac
Everytime I go in there I bring my shield, bastard sword, and book of paladin spells in case I have to fight them after they change into their true, unholy form.

(Think Duke Nuk'em except I don't see tits..they just take my money and be evil)

That you would even post that explains why they're rude to you. :p

Where are you in Louisiana?


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2005
Anytime a store employee is too aggressive in his salutation, it tells me I'm seen as a potential shoplifter/thief and he's seeking to establish a personable relationship to dissuade me from taking advantage of the place.

It's sad it's come to that, but generally greetings or offers to help are nothing more than accusations in disguise. People give away their intent by tone of voice.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Chaotic42
Originally posted by: Dumac
Everytime I go in there I bring my shield, bastard sword, and book of paladin spells in case I have to fight them after they change into their true, unholy form.

(Think Duke Nuk'em except I don't see tits..they just take my money and be evil)

That you would even post that explains why they're rude to you. :p

Where are you in Louisiana?

New Orleans.


Diamond Member
Nov 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Dumac
Originally posted by: Chaotic42
Originally posted by: Dumac
Everytime I go in there I bring my shield, bastard sword, and book of paladin spells in case I have to fight them after they change into their true, unholy form.

(Think Duke Nuk'em except I don't see tits..they just take my money and be evil)

That you would even post that explains why they're rude to you. :p

Where are you in Louisiana?

New Orleans.

There's your problem. We are much nicer in Baton Rouge.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Chryso
Originally posted by: Dumac
Originally posted by: Chaotic42
Originally posted by: Dumac
Everytime I go in there I bring my shield, bastard sword, and book of paladin spells in case I have to fight them after they change into their true, unholy form.

(Think Duke Nuk'em except I don't see tits..they just take my money and be evil)

That you would even post that explains why they're rude to you. :p

Where are you in Louisiana?

New Orleans.

There's your problem. We are much nicer in Baton Rouge.

I heard Baton Rouge has gone down recently after Katrina. I lot of folks from N.O. moved there...


Diamond Member
Nov 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Dumac
Originally posted by: Chryso
Originally posted by: Dumac
Originally posted by: Chaotic42
Originally posted by: Dumac
Everytime I go in there I bring my shield, bastard sword, and book of paladin spells in case I have to fight them after they change into their true, unholy form.

(Think Duke Nuk'em except I don't see tits..they just take my money and be evil)

That you would even post that explains why they're rude to you. :p

Where are you in Louisiana?

New Orleans.

There's your problem. We are much nicer in Baton Rouge.

I heard Baton Rouge has gone down recently after Katrina. I lot of folks from N.O. moved there...

Yeah, unfortunately that is kinda true. But I think it is still better than New Orleans.


Diamond Member
May 27, 2008
Originally posted by: Dumac
Bank tellers here just say next, but not normally. They say it like they hate you for being there and would stab your eyes out with their little pen if it wasn't attached to the desk with a chain.

It kind of sounds like:


Everytime I go in there I bring my shield, bastard sword, and book of paladin spells in case I have to fight them after they change into their true, unholy form.

(Think Duke Nuk'em except I don't see tits..they just take my money and be evil)

I used to work as a bank teller. Your puny paladin spells would be no match for one of our +3 Morningstars of Smiting. (We keep them back in the vault.)


Aug 21, 2002
It's especially funny when I call one of our stores from the corporate help desk and they have this silly 10 second greeting they've been told to answer with to inform me of special events and sales and new products. They sound very deflated when they find out I was never a potential customer.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Chryso

Yeah, unfortunately that is kinda true. But I think it is still better than New Orleans.

Everywhere is, except for maybe Detroit.


Dec 11, 2000
... you're pissed because people are going out of their way to be nice? What a fail of a rant. Does it waste a few seconds here and there? Sure. Are they being kind out of the warmth of their hearts? No, most likely not. But don't you think you could have wasted our valuable time with a less absurd rant?

I Saw OJ

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
I agree with the OP 100%, just be a fucking normal person, dont be over the top with the politeness. If anything that makes me want to do business there less.


Golden Member
Oct 20, 2004
WTF? This is weak. Do you honestly think that these people genuinely care about you that much to be that nice? Not a chance (maybe a few weirdos are sincere). They aren't doing it out of the goodness of their heart. They are doing it because they are paid to, and will most likely get in trouble if they don't say what they are required to.

I'm willing to bet you aren't that awesome where everyone everywhere you go is trying to legitimately be your friend. And hell, if you actually ARE, are you taking any more applications??


Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: SnipeMasterJ13
WTF? This is weak. Do you honestly think that these people genuinely care about you that much to be that nice? Not a chance (maybe a few weirdos are sincere). They aren't doing it out of the goodness of their heart. They are doing it because they are paid to, and will most likely get in trouble if they don't say what they are required to.

I'm willing to bet you aren't that awesome where everyone everywhere you go is trying to legitimately be your friend. And hell, if you actually ARE, are you taking any more applications??

See, that just makes it even worse.