Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: TheGameIs21
Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: TheGameIs21
The nutshell answer is: It isn't a "right" that they go to college. They work as many jobs as it takes. They don't take a full load if they can't afford it. They apply for scholarships. I guess I was one of the few who never embraced the "instant gratification" trend. I work for what I need and the only thing I have on credit is my house and my minivan.
In other countries... The children actually go to school to learn not party and they aren't being given money by the government to go....
As a parent of 3 children, I have already started the education funds for my 6, 3 and 1 year old. I hope that what I can afford to pay in will help them offset the stress of also working but I am not going to be able to save the entire amount for them. I might be able to cover 1/4 of the cost.
It shouldn't be the governments job to give people money that don't really want to work, it shouldn't be the governments job to give money to people to go to school because they ended up with 2 kids before they turned 20 and now can't afford it. Maybe they should have thought about that before having sex at 17 or 18... There is a reason people should be responsible for their own actions and "to prevent the government from having to be responsible for you financially" is #2 in my book. #1 is for personal pride.
Instant Gratifacation? LOL...just because you had to bust yourself to do it doesn't mean everyone else should go through tose same troubles.
So now you assume that everyone who needs government grants has two kids before 20 and engage in premartial (unless you also assume they marry at age 17) sex?
You have no idea...you make it sound like college is one big party for those who don't pay their way through, and unless you tought it out by taking as many jobs as possible then you suck.
If we followed what you say then most people would take 7 years to graduate...not 4-5.
You are obviously one that wants to leech off of government programs. Go right ahead, that is your desire, not mine. I never mentioned once that all that take grants fit a steriotype but I can see where you implied that and I will concede the point to you. That is not what I inteded to get accross.
I stand by the my original comment that the Government should be expected to fund your education. You can fund it yourself. Learn some pride and work for your money. Don't expect anyone to pay your way.
"You suck" Oh you are such the conversationalist...
sorry let me rephrase that:
you are basically saying if you can't take on as many jobs as possible then "you suck if you can't afford it"
not something i'd say
Who says I want to leech? If the government can support me now, they will be FAR better off when I graduate with my engineering degree and I enter the work force. there is more benefit to me studying than there is working at starbucks for 6.75 an hour
You had to work for your college education and I find that very admirable. I don't know if I could do that.
my point is that just because you had to "walk two miles in the snow everyday to get to school" doesn't mean that you should argue against the idea of the school bus
edit: oh and for the record, most of my college is paid by my father~~nice man he is (especially when he opens his entire pocket book because when it comes to education he doesn't hesitate to invest in it)
but at the same time i have work study to earn some cash and I use that to buy books and a cal grant (though I don't get much out of it)