Bush on track to brutally crush Gore in election


Mar 12, 2000
For Chess9, Red Dawn, and others who get a hardon everytime they see a billionaire, tobacco growing slumlord from Tennesee:


By Alan Elsner, Political Correspondent

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Six weeks before the U.S. presidential election, polls Sunday showed Republican George W. Bush (news - web sites) has erased Democrat Al Gore (news - web sites)'s lead and the race is tied once again.

Three weekend polls by Gallup, Newsweek and Fox TV showed the Nov. 7 race a statistical dead heat. The vice president led by 3 percentage points in a Newsweek survey -- he had led by 14 points a week ago -- but Bush jumped into the lead by a single point in a Gallup daily tracking poll. In the Fox poll, the two candidates were tied.

The surveys followed a good week for the Texas governor who enjoyed successful appearances on TV chat shows and managed to get his campaign back on message. Gore was dogged by allegations that he invented a story about his mother-in-law paying three times as much for a drug as his dog.

Gore aides said the story was true but acknowledged that Gore got his figures from a congressional study rather than from actual family bills.

The vice president, in a telephone conference call with reporters Sunday, said he put no faith in polls, whether favorable or unfavorable.

``I don't believe in polls. I don't think they have much relevance to the race. People will vote on Nov. 7,'' he said.

But Bush aides said there had been a sea change. ``There's been a definite shift in the attitude among voters in the past week,'' said Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer in a conference call with reporters.

``There is a growing sense of unease in the electorate with the vice president, his policies and his statements ... He keeps splitting hairs and cutting corners around the truth and he seems to keep doing it when then pressure's on,'' he said.

All this coming from Reuters, not exactly a conservative news source. Even your glorious Newsday has a hard time covering up the truth passing off Bush's obvious lead (if the liberal media is telling you that they're tied, that means that Bush most likely has a considerable lead) as a "3 point lead for Gore". What's even funnier is Al Gore's changed attitude about the polls. Just a week or two ago, when Newsweek published it's phony 14-point lead poll, Al Gore was living his wet dream. Now he's claiming that polls are unimportant. Classic. ;)
Apr 5, 2000
I live in TX and am a Bush fan but lately it seems as though Gore has spanked Bush upside down and inside out. Maybe it is fradulent like you stated but everywhere you go Gore is doing this and doing that, while Bush just sits there. I guess thats the nature of a conservative Republican, to not go around and pledge to people lies and things that he will never get done in his time in office if he gets elected, as 90% of Gore's pledges are crap. It'll be fun watching Gore get decimated in these upcoming debates and watching the polls suddenly topple into Bush's favor.


Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2000
On any day you can probably find a poll that says Gore is in the lead, one that says Bush is in the lead, and one that says they're tied. I don't put too much faith in the polls...as NFS4 said, the only real one is on election day.