Bush calls for stop to asinine ads.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
It's about time one of these children running for office in November finally stopped playing around! So much time has been spent on the irrelevancy of the purple hearts and the vietnam war by both Kerry and Bush.



Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2003
Originally posted by: Skoorb
It's about time one of these children running for office in November finally stopped playing around! So much time has been spent on the irrelevancy of the purple hearts and the vietnam war by both Kerry and Bush.


~$63million in ads by Democrat 527s
~$2million in ads by Republican 527s

Each side needs to shut up and move on, but neither seem to be willing to do it quite yet.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Skoorb
It's about time one of these children running for office in November finally stopped playing around! So much time has been spent on the irrelevancy of the purple hearts and the vietnam war by both Kerry and Bush.


Welcome to P&N but Bush did not call for an end to the Swift Boat attack Ad, only a reference to 527 ads in general which he knows are not going to go away.

Bush on SBVT: 8-23-04 Bush weasels again and approves attacking War Veterans attack Ad on Kerry


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2003
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Skoorb
It's about time one of these children running for office in November finally stopped playing around! So much time has been spent on the irrelevancy of the purple hearts and the vietnam war by both Kerry and Bush.


Welcome to P&N but Bush did not call for an end to the Swift Boat attack Ad, only a reference to 527 ads in general which he knows are not going to go away.

Bush on SBVT: 8-23-04 Bush weasels again and approves attacking War Veterans attack Ad on Kerry

Im pretty sure he said all 527 ads, which includes the SBVFT ad. Its funny, democrats pushed and pushed to end soft money, but now support soft money.


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
Correct me if I'm wrong but McCain Feingold was originally said to favor the Repugnicans since the GOP was historically better at collecting at the grassroots level. If that's true than maybe there's a massive new grassroots movement at hand responsible for the enormous 527 spending differences?


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
It's a good thing he said all 527s instead of just calling for the SV to cease and desist. Otherwise, who knows what those damn National Assn of Realtors and Music for America people might do. ;)

:thumbsup: for Bush ;)


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: jjzelinski
Correct me if I'm wrong but McCain Feingold was originally said to favor the Repugnicans since the GOP was historically better at collecting at the grassroots level. If that's true than maybe there's a massive new grassroots movement at hand responsible for the enormous 527 spending differences?

Most of the big money for 527s is coming from rich democrats.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: jjzelinski
Correct me if I'm wrong but McCain Feingold was originally said to favor the Repugnicans since the GOP was historically better at collecting at the grassroots level. If that's true than maybe there's a massive new grassroots movement at hand responsible for the enormous 527 spending differences?

Funny thing is George Soros has kicked in a ton o cash...not really "grass roots" if you ask me.


Dec 12, 2003
I wonder why no particular issue or particular ads put up by the "527" have not been denounced by the Repubs?
With Kerry, the smear machine is drilling again and again at one lie. Maybe someone could point out for me the big lie being perpetrated by the other side.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Sorry to be a thread pooper, but this one's repost.

As they've already figured out in the other thread, Bush only parroted the same old admin line. He said he respected Kerry's military service, and he called for an end to all the 527 group ads. He specifically ducked the question of whether the swift liars should stop thier ads, unlike Kerry, who did specifically ask moveon.org to cancel their anti-Bush ad, and contrary to requests from McCain that Bush should do so.

The swift liars campagne is exactly the same tactic the Republicans used to smear John McCain. I can't begin to imagine why he still supports Bush.

It's also the same thing Republicans did to Max Cleland in his senate race. They ran an "independent" slime ad campaign questioning his loyalty, despite the fact that Cleland lost three limbs in combat during military service to his country.

Bush is an unprincipled slimeball with no balls and fewer brains. :|


Senior member
Feb 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Harvey

As they've already figured out in the other thread, Bush only parroted the same old admin line. He said he respected Kerry's military service, and he called for an end to all the 527 group ads. He specifically ducked the question of whether the swift liars should stop thier ads, unlike Kerry, who did specifically ask moveon.org to cancel their anti-Bush ad, and contrary to requests from McCain that Bush should do so.


Actually, he DID go at the swift boat ad, then he threw the rest of the 527 ads in with it. Here's the transcript of the speech:

BUSH: I think Senator Kerry served admirably and he ought to be proud of his record. But the question is who best to lead the country in the war on terror. Who can handle the responsibilities of the commander-in-chief? Who's got a clear vision of the risks that the country faces?

REPORTER: Some Republicans such as Bob Dole and some Republican donors such as Bob Perry have contributed and endorsed the message of these this 527 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads. When you say that you want to stop all --

BUSH: All of them.

REPORTER: Does that mean --

BUSH: That means that ad, every other ad.

REPORTER: -- encourage Republicans --

BUSH: Absolutely, I don't think we ought to have 527s. I can't be more plain about it. I hope my opponent joins me in saying, condemning these activities of the 527s. I think they're bad for the system. That's why I signed the bill. McCain-Feingold.

The reporter ask about the SBVFT ad, he says THAT AD, then throws in every other ad.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
I scanned the list and couldn't see it was a repost. I'm a PN newb, so SBVT didn't mean anything to me :eek:


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
I personally think the election would benefit from the loss of 527's but can you truly limit peoples ability to convene and express themselves through a common medium? If it wasn't 527's it would be something else, because like it or not people have a right to communicate.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Skoorb
I scanned the list and couldn't see it was a repost. I'm a PN newb, so SBVT didn't mean anything to me :eek:
Understandable. Not trying to be a repost cop. :)

dmcowen674 (the OP), changed the title once he understood what Bush actually did (and didn't) say. See his post on the second page:
White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Bush's use of the words "that ad" did not indicate a repositioning on the issue.

OK now I see.

I will change the Title accordingly. What was I thinking that Bush would actually grow a fraction of dignity. :confused:


Senior member
Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: digitalsm

~$63million in ads by Democrat 527s
~$2million in ads by Republican 527s

That would be more accurate if it read ~$[some amout, 63 M?] in ads by Anti-Bush 527s


Dec 12, 2003
Once again folks, Bush did NOT denounce, spoecifically the Swiftslime campaign.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Bush's use of the words "that ad" did not indicate a repositioning on the issue.

No repositioning means he still approves of the swiftliar's campaign. Hell, one of his campaign people appears in the most recent ad!


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2001
White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Bush's use of the words "that ad" did not indicate a repositioning on the issue.

omfg, why does Bush need a translator? If Bush said "that ad", he means THAT AD. Its almost as if these people are afraid to change their opinion


Jan 25, 2000
Funny that the Bush campaign publicly proclaims its love for the high road after mostly taking the low one since late Spring in numerous official Bush-Cheney anti-Kerry attack ads.

Sure a lot of 527s have railed against Dubya, but how many tens of millions has Bush spent on negative ads?


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
"Welcome to P&amp;N but Bush did not call for an end to the Swift Boat attack Ad, only a reference to 527 ads in general which he knows are not going to go away."

somone hit the nail on the head, if anyone reads the article or saw the footage at lunchtime today, he din't say that, he said all 527s need to stop running the adds

as usual, the media misquotes......... wonder what FUX is spinning


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
"Welcome to P&amp;N but Bush did not call for an end to the Swift Boat attack Ad, only a reference to 527 ads in general which he knows are not going to go away."

somone hit the nail on the head, if anyone reads the article or saw the footage at lunchtime today, he din't say that, he said all 527s need to stop running the adds

as usual, the media misquotes......... wonder what FUX is spinning

Did you read the transcript just posted? When asked specifically about the Swift Boat ads Bush said yes, that ad. To me he DID say that ad, and all 527 ads. Unfortunately Bush doesn't have the power over the Swift Boat people to actually make them stop. He did say, however, that he respected Kerry's service, and that thought THAT ad should be done with.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Mill
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
"Welcome to P&amp;N but Bush did not call for an end to the Swift Boat attack Ad, only a reference to 527 ads in general which he knows are not going to go away."

somone hit the nail on the head, if anyone reads the article or saw the footage at lunchtime today, he din't say that, he said all 527s need to stop running the adds

as usual, the media misquotes......... wonder what FUX is spinning

Did you read the transcript just posted? When asked specifically about the Swift Boat ads Bush said yes, that ad. To me he DID say that ad, and all 527 ads. Unfortunately Bush doesn't have the power over the Swift Boat people to actually make them stop. He did say, however, that he respected Kerry's service, and that thought THAT ad should be done with.


White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Bush's use of the words "that ad" did not indicate a repositioning on the issue.

Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Skoorb
I scanned the list and couldn't see it was a repost. I'm a PN newb, so SBVT didn't mean anything to me :eek:
Understandable. Not trying to be a repost cop. :)

dmcowen674 (the OP), changed the title once he understood what Bush actually did (and didn't) say. See his post on the second page:
White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Bush's use of the words "that ad" did not indicate a repositioning on the issue.


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
It's amsuing to see that Rove is now trying to re-(re-re?)reverse the burden of denouncement. Back and forth, it's like a force of nature.

EDIT: added "of"
EDIT PART 2: added "o"f to the correct location
EDIT PART 3: removed bad "of"
NOTE: This may come across as retarded... :D


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Mill
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
"Welcome to P&amp;N but Bush did not call for an end to the Swift Boat attack Ad, only a reference to 527 ads in general which he knows are not going to go away."

somone hit the nail on the head, if anyone reads the article or saw the footage at lunchtime today, he din't say that, he said all 527s need to stop running the adds

as usual, the media misquotes......... wonder what FUX is spinning

Did you read the transcript just posted? When asked specifically about the Swift Boat ads Bush said yes, that ad. To me he DID say that ad, and all 527 ads. Unfortunately Bush doesn't have the power over the Swift Boat people to actually make them stop. He did say, however, that he respected Kerry's service, and that thought THAT ad should be done with.


White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Bush's use of the words "that ad" did not indicate a repositioning on the issue.

Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Skoorb
I scanned the list and couldn't see it was a repost. I'm a PN newb, so SBVT didn't mean anything to me :eek:
Understandable. Not trying to be a repost cop. :)

dmcowen674 (the OP), changed the title once he understood what Bush actually did (and didn't) say. See his post on the second page:
White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Bush's use of the words "that ad" did not indicate a repositioning on the issue.

Umm, Dave, considering he had a problem with 527's to begin with, isn't it a bit dishonest to make the comments you are making? I'd like to see a time when Bush said he supported the SBVT ads, and thus it would then make McClellan's comments relevant to your idea that he is just providing lip-service. If he denounced the ads to begin with(which he did about 527's, but not SBVT specifically) then why would his recent comments present a re-positioning? It appears to me as if you are trying to twists McClellan's words into your agenda. I'm not quite the partisan-hack that you are, so perhaps you can explain? I';m possibly being naive, but I've been reading and speaking the English language for awhile. When Bush was against 527 ads, says again he is against 527's and THAT ad, and then McClellan says there is no-repositioning, then to me that means that his original comments against them would stand. No? I'm all out of tinfoil, so perhaps you will have to explain to me why you think McClellan's comments are the antithesis of what Bush said. Thanks, and I know you will reply with a long, logical, well-thought out post.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Skoorb
I scanned the list and couldn't see it was a repost. I'm a PN newb, so SBVT didn't mean anything to me :eek:
Understandable. Not trying to be a repost cop. :)

dmcowen674 (the OP), changed the title once he understood what Bush actually did (and didn't) say. See his post on the second page:
White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters Bush's use of the words "that ad" did not indicate a repositioning on the issue.

OK now I see.

I will change the Title accordingly. What was I thinking that Bush would actually grow a fraction of dignity. :confused:

Odd. I see that CNN has is summing up what Scott McClellan said and drawing their own conclusions. When if you read the White House Daily Briefing, you will notice that in no way does he say anything along the lines of what CNN has reported. He also doesn't try to put words in the presidents mouth, even though the reporter continues to try to make him.